Daily Inspiration: October 11. Today, Enjoy the Bounty of Your Harvest – Condensed Version

We have taught ourselves who we think we are, but how often have we allowed who we truly are to teach us? Today, let us allow the love that we are in truth, and its expressions such as compassion, forgiveness, peace and joy, to become our teachers. Let us allow them to gently remind us of our true nature. Let us make them our constant companions and then present them to all those who God sends our way. Those who have yet to remember their true nature need guidance and support, not attack and condemnation. When we attack those who need reminding, this simply reveals to us that we have failed to remember who we are in truth. Still, do not worry if you have yet to recall who you are in truth. Instead, focus on the essence of love that forever resides within.

Today, through the seeds of compassion, forgiveness, peace and joy, start planting the world that you would like to be nourished by. Such a world comes to fruition through the thoughts you think, words you use, emotions you support and actions you take. Yes, it is you who is ultimately responsible for the world that grows and flourishes around you. The world that you grow will either feed and nourish you or hurt and poison you. All of your thoughts, words, emotions and actions are seeds that you plant. Today, take personal responsibility for the seeds that you are planting in every interaction. By doing so, you weed out the thoughts within your mind that do not support and nourish the world you want. Today, align your thoughts, words, emotions and actions with the love that God created you to be and behold the bounty of your harvest.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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