Chapter 1: The Dream
You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy by James Blanchard Cisneros.
Self-image transformation, becoming aware of our true selves, begins with the willingness to accept that limitlessness, unity, forgiveness and love are things we truly desire in our lives. Self-image transformation means changing the way we perceive or see ourselves. For this to occur we do not need to change what we do, we simply need to change our perception of who we think we are. We do not need to change the outside environment or how others think, act or react. We simply need to change our minds. Because it is an inner change, we have the final and ultimate decision on whether or not this is something we truly want and desire. A little willingness to obtain this is all we’ll ever need.
As you’ll soon recall, peace is eternally available to you. Your recognition of its availability is all that is needed for you to obtain and experience peace. As peace is eternally available to you, so too are limitlessness, unity, forgiveness and love. They are eternally available to you because these are aspects of your true self. Again, it is simply your willingness to obtain and experience them that will allow them to manifest in your life. The more you believe them to be available to you, the more you will see them being manifested in one way or another in your life. Slowly, what you once judged, you will now forgive. Who you once feared, you will now love. What once separated you from your brother will now join you. And what once caused you confusion and chaos will now bring understanding and peace.
To experience self-image transformation, allow the negative thoughts in your unconscious habitual belief system or ego to surface. For it is in their surfacing that light will shine on them, and you’ll be able to finally see and understand what they are truly offering. When you understand that you truly do not want what they offer, you will release these limited beliefs. When you release them, you will let go of all you thought you were. Finding out who you are in truth, many times, begins with the realization of who you are not.
Many people have self-esteem issues, yet even those with high self esteem limit themselves when they use the ego to measure and define their true selves. The ego-self only allows a limited level of self-esteem. If you consider yourself to be below this limited level, the ego labels you as shy and timid, causing your fellow humans to look down on you. If you consider yourself to be above the level it sets for you, it labels you as conceited, causing others to judge and ridicule your beliefs. If you fall within the ego’s “safe” level of self-esteem, it still has every brother and sister whose views differ from yours judge and question your beliefs about yourself and the world. Understand that with the ego, even when you win you lose and any victory is conditional upon your feeling guilty and unworthy of it. This is what has been taught to us. This is what you have likely accepted to be true and to be the way life is. This is what you are now realizing you do not want. The more you realize what it is you do not want, the closer you come to finding out what it is you do want.
How would you like to give up your limited ego-self and replace it with an infinite Godself? How would you like to give up nothing and get everything in return? Would you like to give up judgment and receive forgiveness, give up fear and receive love, give up separation and receive unity, give up confusion and chaos and receive peace of mind and joy? This is God’s offer to you but it is your choice through free will whether to accept it or not. God offered you this when you were created. It is your inheritance. It is your essence. It is your truth. There is only one thing that you need to do to obtain everything. Offer your brothers and sisters what you want to experience. For we are all one, and what you offer to them you gift yourself.
Allow what you wish to experience to flow through you. Let forgiveness, love, unity and peace flow through you. Let these thoughts and feelings expand to your brothers and sisters. As you acknowledge that they are worthy of these thoughts, you are also secretly acknowledging that you too are worthy of them. The more these types of unlimited thoughts are allowed in, accepted and expanded, the more they will manifest in your life. The more you offer these thoughts, the more you will want to experience them. The more you experience them, the less you will want their opposites.
This text can be found in the book - You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy.
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A beautiful world we could create if the gift of love/happiness became the fashion.
When you dare to be different you will be rejected by the world system. But, God Promised that he will adpot us as his very own children so we are far better off being A Child Of The Most High God!