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Dismissing The Ego as Your Guide
This short inspiring video can be enjoyed all year long. It is also the video of the Daily Inspiration Message for March 23, (condensed version) with James Blanchard Cisneros.
Let us no longer look for fulfillment with the ego as our guide. Let us no longer look for clarity, peace, joy, love and understanding where there is none to find. The ego would have us focus our search on “what” we do, and how valued our peers, family or society perceive such work to be. It has us focus on how much money we can accumulate for our efforts. Truth would have you focus your search on “why” you do something, and “how” it makes you feel. There are very deep and sacred reasons why you love and are passionate about certain aspects of life. This is not by chance. What fulfills you — your own individual passions, hopes, desires and dreams — are very specific to you. They are keys that can help you realize your soul’s unique and sacred mission. continued…
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