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Within the Present Moment Every Person is a Gift
Video of James reading the Daily Inspiration message for January 10 and sharing his comments about it.
Within the eternal present moment, the Love of God forever resides. What the Love of God is, we forever are. Anytime we are being Love in any of its numerous forms, such as being kind, peaceful, joyful, forgiving and compassionate, we are in alignment with the now, with the gift that we are. The present moment, the now, as an energetic expression, is free from the past and future. The now is our true Home. When you look upon others and see them as Love’s creations, seeing their eternal loving essence and nature, then you are truly residing within the now. Every one of God’s creations is a gift from the Divine to you, just as you are a gift from the Divine to them. They are helping you see where your heart and mind reside in each moment. …continue reading.
- James Blanchard Cisneros
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