Daily Inspiration: June 24. Feeling Free to Feel Your Feelings

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


Today, let us recall that because our journeys are a sacred co-creation with God, that it is ok to feel whatever it is you think you need to feel. Today, let us not feel encumbered by how society and those around us tell us that we should be feeling. Instead, let us recall that whichever way we think we need to express and process our emotions, is the way we need to do so in order to best heal and grow. Knowing that we are all One, let us offer all others this same courtesy. Today, let us be wise enough to unburden ourselves of the judgments we are carrying within. Let us free ourselves of a weight we no longer need to log around and carry. Let us recall that the ego’s fuel source is judgment. The ego will try anything and everything to keep its fuel source flowing. It does this because it wants us to believe that if we are indeed judgmental then we can in no way be a part of an all-loving and forgiving God. If we feel unworthy of God, then we will look to the ego for support. If we buy into the ego’s mindset, then it and its thought system gets to survive and thrive through us. Align with the ego’s mindset we will use it to protect us against a world that the ego itself has designed to fuel it. We then learn the ego’s ways, and start to use its tools, such as those of judgment, anger, resentment, hate and revenge to defend us against the same world that it has made. The more we use its tools, the more valuable they seem to us. The more valuable they seems to us, the more control the ego obtains over us. Today, understanding the ego’s game plan, let us no longer choose to support a mindset and tools that don’t support us. When we find ourselves using the ego’s tools, let us stop for a moment, and truly feel how unlike they are to the loving truth in us. 

Today, let’s say we are feeling resentful. Let us recall that having co-design our journeys with Perfection that it is perfectly fine to feel however it is that we think we need to feel. We are human beings having a human experience. Let us stop judging ourselves for being human. Let us equally be courageous enough to feel how what we are feeling, is making us feel. Then, let us be honest enough to ask ourselves if these feelings are aligning us with our true loving nature, or are they blocking our path to peace and joy. We are not here to put ourselves or others down for feeling feelings. We are here to figure out which feelings we are experiencing that reflect the truth in us, so that we may share this truth with others. Let us then start supporting feelings that support the life we want, and stop supporting those that don’t. When it comes to judging self or other, the expression that may best help support the life we want would be that of forgiveness. Forgiveness has the ability to turn judgment and resentment into peace of mind and joy. Peace of mind and joy, being reflections of our loving nature are supporting the life we want and came here to share. Today, regardless of how we feel, let us offer all our feelings gratitude for helping us figure out what we do and do not want to be experiencing in our lives. Figuring out both who we are, and who we are not, are helpful, and thus gratitude, not judgment, should be our response to them. The sooner we can figure out the beliefs and emotions that are living within us, the sooner we can begin to let go of who we are not. Equally so, the quicker we can start figuring out who we are and came here to be.

Today, courageously process the feeling of resentment. Place it as a complete and separate entity next to the love that is within your heart and soul. Then really feel how unlike and unaligned they are to each other. Your truth is love, and Love is God Who Is All. Resentment, not being an expression of Love, is but an illusion of the ego, a falsity, a lie we have been programmed to believe, protect and carry within as true. Feel the difference between the lie and the truth in you. Feel the difference between that of resentment and the feeling of pure love. Now, knowing that resentment does not belong within you, make the conscious decision to hand it over to God. Feel that weight physically and emotionally being lifted out of your hands and off your shoulders. Feel it lifting off, up and away from you, moving higher and higher and dissolving in His Perfect light, love and understanding. Now, feel God filling those freed up spaces within your heart and soul where resentment once ruled. Feel those spaces filling up with His perfect love for you and for all His children. Keep on absorbing and filling yourself with God’s Love. Continue to allow God’s love to fill all those areas within you where resentment once resided. Now, begin to feel those areas overflowing with God’s love. With this overflowing loving sensation begin to pray for and bless all those who the ego once had you judge, blame, condemn and resent. Do this each and every time a thought of resentment tries to enter and pollute your mind. Forgive your misperception of Love’s creations. Forgive yourself. Remove your blocks and open up the space for God to come in. Once you are able to do this wholeheartedly with any one of the ego’s judgments, you will be able to do this with all of them. You will be able to do so with all of them because they are all the same, all of them are not real nor true.

Today, let us give ourselves permission to feel our feelings. It is only what we allow ourselves to feel, that we can heal. All that we feel about this world resides within. The feelings we house within, can either poison and imprison us, or heal us and set us free. Let us no longer allow poisonous feelings to live within us unchallenged. For example, if resentment lives within, it is because we ourselves are allowing that. We are in essence poisoning ourselves. But do not despair, for this feeling of resentment, being in opposition to God, Love, All, must in realty not be real nor true. Let us forgive our misperceptions, and hand over all thoughts and feelings that are not loving in nature over to God. Let us feel these burdens lifting off our shoulders and dissolving in His love and light. Then let us allow God’s love and light to fill those areas within us were resentment once resided. Now filled, allow yourself to overflow with God’s love. Then offer this love to all those the ego had programmed you to resent. Repeat this effort any time that resentment tries to rule over you. Do so over and over again until you are able to feel and want to follow the wisdom of God’s guidance.  

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Comments (4)

Really resonated with me this morning! Thank you for continually sending out these daily devotionals which are instrumental in my growth and change to reminders of who I am, truly. Thanks again!

Thank you Rene for being a member of our community.

May you each day align with the loving truth in you and by doing so help guide others back to the light in them.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

Your last 3 daily messages have been such confirmation to what I have been experiencing now. I am seeing this in a deeper level of understanding and I’m sure more transforming way than ever before. Thank you for this confirmation and encouragement!

Thank you June for being open to the message.

You are and will always be the light and love that you were created to be.

Perfection only creates perfectly, and you are His creation.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

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