Daily Inspiration: February 3. Revealing the Truth Within – Condensed Version

Inspiring Videos to Help People Awaken.
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James reading with commentary
Inspiring Audio Message to Help People in their Awakening Process


We are more than a physical structure called our body, more than the hardware called our brain, and more than the software called our mind. We are our Creator’s creation; and our Creator is Love and All. Therefore all that the Divine is, we are, and only what God is, could we ever truly be. Anything apart from or seemingly in opposition to Love is the ego’s programming, and thus not a part of our true, eternal, loving essence and nature. Love has numerous expressions such as kindness, peace, joy, forgiveness and trust. Today, let us look to consciously align with these energies and emotions so they may help us open and reveal the truth within. When we are having difficulty making a decision, let us simply invite and allow our truth, the love that we are, to decide for us.

Today, let us practice aligning with the truth within by representing and reflecting only our loving nature. The more we practice aligning with the truth within, the more natural and right it will feel living aligned with this state of mind. Today, understanding God is Love and All, let us practice seeing everything as helpful. When we find ourself out of alignment with the truth within, let us use such situations, not to judge ourself or others, but as opportunities that are being offered to help us recall who we are not. The more we practice catching ourself when out of alignment with the truth within, the less time we will spend supporting the pain-inducing mindset of the ego’s world. The less time we spend entertaining the ego’s fairy tales, the more time we will spend representing the eternal, loving truth within.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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Audio Version

Daily Inspiration: February 3. Revealing the Truth Within – Condensed Version


Inspiring Videos to Help People Awaken.     daily inspiration video

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Comments (4)

Just what i needed today
Thank you so much

Thank you Carsten for being open to the message.

Peace. JBC

Our Creator knows exactly what we need and this message is exactly what I needed. Thank you from my heart! ♥

Thank you Sheila for being open to the message.

May you today, offer only the love that you were created to be, to all those the Creator sends your way.

Peace. JBC

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