Daily Inspiration: January 20. Service – Condensed Version

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


God is Love. We are God’s creations. Therefore we are physical manifestations of Love. Service, as an expression and extension of Love, is love put into action. If love put into action is service, then whenever we’re being or expressing love, we’re being of service. Throughout the day, we are offered many opportunities to be of service. The more present we are, the easier it is for us to recognize these opportunities. A great way to identify how you can be of service is to go inward and figure out what you are passionate about. Understand what makes you feel good, peaceful and joyful. Then each day, place more of your time, focus and energy on being, representing and expressing what fulfills you.

Today, let us slow down our pace in order to try to catch any opportunity we are given to be of service. We can do this by reminding ourself what our goal is before every situation and interaction. Before you enter any location, remind yourself, “My goal here is to be of service in some way, shape or form.” Before you meet with anyone, remind yourself, “My goal is to be of service with this person.” Even when you forget to set up your goal, during the interaction take a moment to remind yourself that you are there to be of service. When you notice you missed an opportunity to be of service, do not put yourself down for this. Instead, use the experience to help you better prepare for the next time a similar opportunity presents itself.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video of James reading this post and sharing his comments about it.


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Comments (4)

Wow this is such a gorgeous message. I love this idea of using every moment even going into the grocery store or being in service. Thank you so much for your service to us and have always enjoyed your posts, videos and book xoxoxox

Thank you Jill for being open to the message.

Yes, let us practice using every interaction or situation to be of service to others by offering all others the love that God created us all to be. We do so by returning to the present moment, and noticing what expression of love the moment and those in it seem to be requesting. And so if they are attaching themselves to judgment and anger we offer them forgiveness and compassion. If they are anxious or fearful we offer them the peace and certainty that our trust in God offers us.

Let us today become that light at the end of the tunnel for all those God sends our way.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

Hi JBC. Thank you for your guidance and inspiration to overcome the ego and to remember who in essence we are. Where can I find a post on the following topic. OUR LIFE JOURNY CO CREATED WITH GOD. Need some clarification and better understanding on the topic. THANK you in advance. Peace Love Light. HJP

Thank you HJP for being for being a member of our community.

I believe if you type “trusting God” or “life journey” on the website’s search bar it may offer you something that is of use.

Peace. JBC

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