Daily Inspiration: March 2. Quieting Our Internal Critic – Condensed Version

Inspiring Videos to Help People Awaken.
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James reading with commentary
Inspiring Audio Message to Help People in their Awakening Process


There is no one who communicates with us more during our day than we ourself do. There is no bigger critic of ourself than ourself. Today, as we practice quieting our inner critic, the outer world will begin to feel like a less critical place. The outside world is a reflection of our inner thoughts, condition and conditioning. The less time we spend criticizing ourself, the less critical this world will appear to be. The less critical the world appears to be, the more at peace and secure we will feel in it. The more at peace and secure we feel, the more confident we become, and the less we will be affected by criticism. Today, let us recall that putting ourself down in any way, shape or form will not lift us or this world up. So let us simply stop doing what is not working for us. Let us stop supporting a mindset that does not support us or the world we want.

Today, let us recall that the thoughts we choose to think, support and thus reinforce will show us whose guidance we are following. God’s guidance will bring our mind into alignment with the state of non-judgment and peace. The ego’s guidance will bring our mind into alignment with a judgmental and critical mindset. Using our free will, in each moment, we can choose whose guidance to follow. Today, let us reclaim the power we once surrendered to the critical mind. As Love’s creation, our mind is in its natural state when it is focused on being loving, forgiving, supportive and at peace. Today, let us take back control of our mind from the ego by only supporting our loving thoughts as true. Then let us forgive, overlook or let go of all the thoughts that are not supportive of the world we want to experience, enjoy and share with those who God sends our way.

May your day be filled with Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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Audio Version 

Daily Inspiration: Daily Inspiration: March 2. Quieting Our Internal Critic – Condensed Version


Inspiring Videos to Help People Awaken.    daily inspiration video Inspiring Videos to Help People Awaken.James reading with commentary


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Comments (2)

It would really be helpful if u could include a real life situation about how someone did this – on each lesson so that it is not just theoretical. Thanks for all u do.

Thank you Louisa for your comment.

If you read the ‘full’ version of the lesson, instead of the ‘condensed’ version, you may find a better overall description there, that can help you set up and create your own real life lesson and exercise. Also, if you go to my youtube page, the daily video, when one is available, should also help you out.

I am aware of the need for ‘real life’ examples, and as I ‘fully’ complete the daily exercises, they will be included. I imagine this may take a few more years to ‘fully’ complete the daily lessons to the point where real life exercises are available for all of them.

Peace. JBC

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