Daily Inspiration: September 13. Frustration and Worry – Condensed Version

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


God is Love and All, and peace is an expression and reflection of this Love. Energies and emotions such as frustration and worry (which the ego tries to place in opposition to peace) can only be experienced if we’re misperceiving what is truly going on. Peace, being an expression and reflection of Love and All, is thus available to us in every moment and interaction. As Love’s creations, we are all forever worthy of the state of peace. As Love’s creations, the state of peace is our true Home. As we recall that we are indeed one with our all-loving Source, our sense of safety, comfort and trust increases. In doing so, our frustration and worry begins to dissolve away, resulting in a greater sense of peace. Today, let us recall that we are worthy of peace, and that peace is available in every interaction. Then let us use frustration and worry, not to feel deficient or defeated, but to develop a greater trust in the Divine, and thus a deeper sense of peace.

Today, if frustration or worry come knocking at our mind’s door, let us not despair. Let us not judge ourself or others as being unwise or not spiritual enough. Instead, let us use these moments as a call to action from the universe — inviting us to practice trusting in the Divine more. Today, let us no longer feed the false concepts of frustration and worry with our time, focus and energy. By not giving them our time, focus or energy, we withdraw their fuel source. Then let us learn to use our time, focus and energy to develop a greater trust in God and in the plan that we co-designed with the Divine. Let us recall that because God is Love and All, He always has our back and best interests in mind. The more we trust in the Divine, the more peace we will experience. The more peace we experience, the less frustrated and worried we will feel.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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Comments (4)

Hello, thank you I really needed this . Events in my life recently have made me worry and be anxious. I am a Christian and I do give everything to God. But it’s my thoughts of losing close ones. That make me anxious 🙏

Thank you Janet for being open to the message and for being a member of our community.

Whenever a fear based thought tries to enter your mind’s gate, remember that you are God’s child, and that your Father, the Creator of the Universe, only and always desires the best for you. Knowing this, when a fear base thought comes in, practice using it as a trigger mechanism, as a call from the Universe asking you to trust God more.

You will know when you are truly trusting God when the state of peace results.

Peace. JBC

It seems so difficult to put aside worry when danger in the dream surfaces. For example, I live in Georgia USA and have just learn that my area may be affected by the hurricane, and that means potential danger. I fear pain and physical suffering so ego really has a hold there. I will ask for guidance and assistance to remove whatever blocks are holding me in this fear and anxiety.

Thank you Louisa for your comment and for being a member of our community.

Anytime fear thoughts try to enter your mind’s gate, remember, that the Creator of the Universe is in your corner, and that because of that, all will always be alright.

Now, instead of focusing on those fear thoughts and thus allowing them to become a bigger part of your life, take that exact moment, and use it to focus on trusting God more.

The more you trust God, the more peace you will experience.

Peace. JBC

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