Daily Inspiration: December 30. From Reacting with Peace, to Co-Creating Peace – Condensed Version

There are two ways that people usually react to a situation: with peace or without peace. Peace is an expression and extension of Love, who is our Creator. When we react with love, we align with the mind of God and thus with the state of peace. When we react without love, we are out of alignment with our Creator and thus not at peace. Today, let us practice a third way, not a reactive but a proactive way of aligning with our Creator and thus with love and peace. Today, let us make peace our goal in every interaction. By clarifying the goal at the beginning, we take greater personal responsibility for its expression and outcome. This provides us a clearer roadmap and smoother pathway to our desired destination. With peace as our companion, let us help guide others to a more tranquil and joyful state.

Today, before going into any situation, let your mindset be: “Above all else, peace is my primary goal for this interaction. I now align my thoughts and state of being with peace.” This makes sure that peace is the force that guides your experience. During the interaction, if you notice your thoughts and feelings moving away from peace, catch yourself being out of alignment. Then consciously stop that line of thinking, and realign yourself with your goal by returning your thoughts and feelings to peace. Now you are a representative of the state of peace once again. The more you align your thoughts and state of being with peace, the brighter the light of peace will shine. By doing so, more will be guided by the light that you, a beacon of peace, provide. Now, at peace, one with the Creator, you are who you were meant and created to be.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video of James reading this post and sharing his comments about it.


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Comments (2)

Thanks so much for the daily messages. 🙏🏽🫶🏼
I read everyday, and have for several years.

Thank you Sue for being open to the message and for being a member of this community. Peace. JBC

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