Daily Inspiration: May 25. Where Judgment Once Stood, Let Gratitude Now Stand – Condensed Version

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Mahatma Gandhi once said, “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” Have we, as a people, not yet tired of answering judgment with judgment, anger with anger, and revenge with revenge? What solutions has the ego’s fear-based mindset ever truly offered us? How many times must we follow the ego’s dead-end roads of judgment, anger, resentment and revenge before we figure out that they aren’t taking us to where we would like to be? How many times must we punish ourselves with our own thinking by supporting the ego’s judgment-centered mindset that only leads us to roads that never take us to our desired destination? Isn’t it time for us to at least consider another way? We are Love’s creations, and forgiveness, as one of Love’s many expressions, is natural to us and thus is a natural path for us to take.

Judgment is a sign of a mind that is asleep to its true nature. Forgiveness is a tool that takes us from judgment to peace. Trusting in God is a tool that takes us from a state of peace to gratitude. When our response to the moment is gratitude, let that signal to us that our mind is awake and One with the Mind of God. Now we know that because God is perfect, our journeys are perfect for us. Now we acknowledge that because our journeys are perfect, there is no more need to judge ourself or others. Everyone’s journeys are uniquely designed for their own awakening process. Understanding this, what further need is there for judgment? Today, all you need to do is trust in your Divine plan instead of the ego’s plan. Do so, and watch your judgments turn into forgiveness, peace and gratitude.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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Audio Version 

Daily Inspiration: May 25. Where Judgment Once Stood, Let Gratitude Now Stand – Condensed Version.


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