Daily Inspiration: May 7. In This World, Unlearning is True Learning – Condensed Version

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What we will be doing today is unlearning — unlearning some of the pain, anger, resentment and suffering that the ego has convinced us are normal parts of our experiences. Love is who we are. Thus when we spend time aligned with anything other than love’s expressions, we are buying into the ego’s judgment-centric, fear-based programs as true. Thankfully, as God’s loving creations, we have been gifted free will. So we can unlearn what the ego has taught us. Understanding this, we can now proactively practice taking back control of our own thinking. Today, anytime we are not feeling at peace, joyful, forgiving, compassionate or loving, let that simply be a sign to us that it is time to gently and with grace unlearn what the ego has taught us, not to punish ourself or others.

Today, let us practice unlearning every thought and emotion that is not loving in nature. As we unlearn the ego’s programs, we take back control of our mind. We can do this by setting a goal before every interaction to unlearn fear and to support love. The situation itself will show us what we need to unlearn and what we need to support. For example, if we are dealing with anxious or stress-filled thoughts, then the moment is asking us to unlearn them (fear) by increasing our level of trust in the Divine (love). As we do, peace results. Peace is an expression of love. So an alignment with the state of peace shows us that we are aligned with our true self and nature. Now, every situation simply becomes a means to achieve today’s goal — to practice unlearning who we are not and align with and become who we truly came here to be.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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Audio Version 

Daily Inspiration: May 7. In This World, Unlearning is True Learning – Condensed Version.


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