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In This World, Unlearning is True Learning.
Video message based on the Inspirational Daily post of May 7
What we will be doing today is unlearning — unlearning some of the pain, anger, resentment and suffering that the ego has convinced us are normal parts of our experiences. Love is who we are. Thus when we spend time aligned with anything other than Love’s expressions, we are buying into the ego’s judgment-centric fear-based programs as true. Thankfully, as God’s loving creations, we have been gifted free will. So we can unlearn what the ego has taught us. Understanding this, we can now proactively practice taking back control of our own thinking. Today, anytime we are not feeling at peace, joyful, forgiving, compassionate or loving, let that be a sign to us that it is time, not to punish self or others but instead to simply, gently and with grace unlearn what the ego has taught us. …continue reading.
- James Blanchard Cisneros
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