Daily Inspiration: November 27. Self-Judgment and Anxiety – Condensed Version

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


Self-judgment and anxiety are not bad or evil. They are simply lies that we have been taught as true. Self-judgment and anxiety’s power resides only in the power that we give to them. Once we take our power (our time, focus and energy) away from them, they begin to diminish and dissolve away from our experiences. The less time we sacrifice to these delusions, the clearer our path and purpose becomes. Today, for being part of a process that helps clarify our path, let us offer self-judgment and anxiety our gratitude. In doing so, we make peace with our past. By making peace with our past, we set the present moment free to be what it was always meant to be — a sacred co-creation with the Divine.

Today, if self-judgment or anxiety pop into your mind, do not judge or put yourself or others down. Instead, thank the thoughts for visiting. Share with them that you will no longer be entertaining them. You will not be sacrificing any more of your time, focus and energy on them. Let them go, knowing that every thought you have is used by God for good — to help you and those around you grow, heal and awaken. If after all is said and done, everything is used by God for good, what need would you ever again have to judge yourself and others, or to be anxious? If all is used by God for good, wouldn’t the proper response to everything and everyone be gratitude and peace? Today, remember that everything is used by God for good, and behold your self-judgment and anxiety dissolving before your light and understanding.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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Comments (2)

Such confirmation for me!!! I wrote these notes in my very early morning meditation this morning: “The power is in the Love. The power of the Sacred Masculine is not separate from the love of the Sacred Feminine aspects of God. They are One! The power is with and in the One. To know God I must accept myself, love myself. I see through eyes of love. This is an awareness, a consciousness beyond words or thoughts. It can only Be!”

Thank you June for being open to the message.

We are indeed all One. Loving your whole-self is loving God completely, and loving each other completely is how our Source indeed meant us to love.

Peace. JBC

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