Daily Inspiration: June 18. Letting Go Of the Ego’s Illusionary Idea of Failure

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


The ego has created a number of mass delusions that it has programmed us to see and believe as natural, normal and real. One such mass delusion is the false concept of failure. The false concept of ‘failure’ is a fabrication. It is a falsity of the ego, used to try to give its delusional thought system a seeming moniker of truth. If failure can be imagined as real, then the ego’s thought system that places itself in opposition to God, can also be imagined as real. The ego’s thought system tries to make us believe that: “If we are a failure, then obviously we cannot in any way be a part of a perfect God.” The ego does this, because if we see ourselves as separate from, unlike or not worthy of God, then we will look to align with it for support and protection. If we align with the ego’s mindset then it and its thought system gets to survive and thrive through us. The more we feed the ego with our time, focus and energy, the stronger its connection to us becomes, and the weaker our connection to God appears to be. Yet being One with God, our connection to our Source can never in truth change by what is not real. It is only when we support the ego, that it appears to be real. It is when we think of our ego as us, that we end up buying into, and connecting with, its mindset. It is in such a state of mind, that we end up seeing and interacting with the false as true. When we take our support, the ego’s fuel source, away from it, it begins to dissolve into the nothingness from which it came. Today, let us choose to no longer fuel the ego. What fuels the ego is our belief in it. What fuels our belief in the ego is the time, focus and energy that we place on defending its false concepts as true. Let us no longer support such false concepts like that of God creating something or someone that can fail. Perfection could never create failure. Why continue to support a mindset that sees you as a failure? Today, let us no longer support what does not support us.

How many more times must we consciously or unconsciously choose to believe in and value the ego’s delusional mindset over a loving God? How many more times must we end up punishing others and ourselves because we believe in the ego’s lies of us as true? How much more time, pain and suffering must we sacrifice at the ego’s altar? How much longer must we continue to torture ourselves with our own choices? Today, let us finally say to ourselves: “Enough is enough. I now stop supporting a mindset that does not support me. I now no longer choose to support the false concept of failure, as real. I now recall that I am Love’s creation, One with God. As such, I am deserving of aligning my time, energy and focus with thoughts, words, actions and reactions that are loving and supportive of me and others. Today, I make the conscious decision to no longer value the ego’s deceptions and lies more than the Love and Truth that God provides for me and all His children. Today, I treat myself, and all God’s children with Love, as God treats and thinks of me, His child and creation.” What do you have to lose by placing your trust in God, in All that is loving and good? Would it not make sense to align yourself with a mindset that has Love and Truth as its foundation? All we need do, to consciously begin this journey to true understanding, is to use our free will. Let us use our free will to replace a lie with the Truth, the ego’s fear based mindset with God’s Love. Today, simply realize that the opposite of All cannot be true. That Perfect Love only creates lovingly and perfectly. That you are that Love and that because we are all One, that the Truth in all of us is Love and only Love.

Today, once we make the conscious choice to reunite with God, and trust His truth over the ego’s delusions, the ego’s grip on us will begin to loosen. The ego’s falsities, fabrications and fairy tales of failure, will begin to dissolve before His loving light and perfect understanding. You are God’s creation, and God’s creation can not fail. How could you fail when Perfection Himself has co-created your journey with you? Today, let us recall that the journey we are now on, is the journey that we have co-created with God. Therefore, our journey, no matter how much the ego tries to judge it, is perfect for us. We have come here to grow, and that is what we are doing each and every day. If we are doing what we have come here to do, then we have succeeded. When we truly get this, all illusionary ideas of failure that we have been programmed with, will begin to fade away.  Now, once again consciously aligned with the Mind of God, we recall that every part of our journey is useful and necessary for its ‘successful’ completion. Every single part of our journey, every step along the way, has been and will be helpful to get us to our destination. Because of this, there has never been, nor will there ever be, anything about us that can in truth ever fail or be considered a failure. God is everywhere, and therefore you can never, no matter how much the ego tries to convince you otherwise, take a step away from God. Each step you ever take is a step on your sacred and perfect path. Success is an expression and extension of Love. Love is your Creator, therefore you are Love, and thus are, and have always been, a success. You can not in truth be anything other than your truth. You can not be anything other than a success, no matter what you choose to do or not do.

Today, let us recall that God is Love and All, and thus that only God’s Love is true. Success is one of Love’s many expressions. Success, regardless of what you choose to do or not do, is who you are now and will forever be. Failure, trying to place itself in opposition to Success, Love, God, All, is not real nor true. Today, all we are being asked to do is to see and acknowledge the false as false, and then replace it with the true. Being able to see the false as false, is in and of itself a great success, for how much of our lives have we already sacrificed to the ego’s false concept of failure as true? Failure, just as all other concepts of the ego, is illusionary in nature, because its creator, the ego, placing itself in opposition to All, is itself nothing. Imagine, how much pain and suffering you will be able to save yourself, others and this world by simply being able to overlook what is nothing, not true. Then imagine how successful and fulfilled you would feel being able to replace nothing with All, and share All that is in truth real with everyone.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Comments (4)


Thank you Brooke for being open to the message.

Peace. JBC

Adtianne Mary Newman

Thank you so very much.

After suffering for a very intense month regarding a test of patience regarding a job shift…this article is a balm of peace.

Thank you Adtianne for being open to the message.

Patience is an aspect of the love and light that you were created to be and have come here to share.

Peace. JBC

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