Daily Inspiration: August 16. A Healed Mind and the End of Judgment – Condensed Version

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A healed mind thinks in alignment with the mind of God. In doing so, it sees this world through Love’s lens. A healed mind sees God, who is Love, reflecting back from everything and everyone. It overlooks the judgment-centered games that the ego plays. The more the ego’s games are overlooked, the less time the ego is able to steal from people’s lives. Judging self and others is one of the numerous ego games that the healed mind overlooks. Once a mind heals from its addiction to judgment, the world it sees and interacts with will be seen as divine. When the healed mind no longer has the need to judge or defend itself against this world’s judgments, then true peace of mind and joy result.

Today, let us align with the healed mind. The healed mind understands that God, being perfect love, uses all for good. If everything is used by God for good, what need would the healed mind have to judge, become frustrated, angry, anxious, resentful, hateful or revengeful? None, no need. Understanding this, the healed mind very simply overlooks or forgives the false, and focuses only on the truth as true. The healed mind sees Love’s billions of expressions, each one as a unique and perfect part of creation. Today, choose to look at this world through Love’s lens. Do so and healed by true sight, aligned with the Divine, the end of judgment is assured.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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