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God is Love and All. Thus the energy of Love is who in truth we are. Everything other than Love is simply a fairy tale that we been programmed to see and believe is real. Anything that we believe about ourself or others that is not loving in nature is not, in reality, true. In every moment, free will offers us the opportunity to choose between a fiction or non-fiction story. In any moment, we can choose the ego’s delusional judgment-centric, fear-based programs and mindset, or be in alignment with the all-loving mind of God. Being aligned with the ego does not make us bad or not spiritual. It simply shows us that we are asleep to our true nature. Our suffering and emotional pain come from believing the ego’s falsehoods are true. It’s time to use our free will to let go of the ego’s past programs that have never served us, and instead align with a love-centric mindset that we can use to serve the world.
Today, if a judgmental thought tries to pollute your mind, consciously stop that line of thinking, breathe deeply, and recall that you have free will. You can forgive instead. Using your free will in this manner releases you from your attachments to past programs that have never brought joy to your heart or peace to your mind. No longer allow your past programs to hide the present moment’s gifts from you. In every moment, free will gives you the opportunity to choose love over fear, mercy over judgment, and thus peace of mind over pain. Today, practice using your free will to align with the love, mercy, grace and peace of God. You, as God’s child are forever worthy of God’s love, mercy, grace and peace. And we are all God’s children, all forever worthy of Love’s inheritance. Today, through the act of free will, dismiss the ego’s programs and very simply offer everyone what you yourself would like to experience.
All glory to God.
Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.
James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”
If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.
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