Daily Inspiration: February 26. The Unchanged, Unchanging, and Unchangeable – Condensed Version

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video of James reading with commentary

Audio of Daily Inspiration Message   



God’s love for us is unchanged, unchanging and unchangeable. To know this is to recall the everlasting truth within, our eternal, loving essence and nature. We have been programmed to believe that if we don’t do exactly what x or y person, book, tradition or society says we should do, that somehow this makes us less than or unworthy of the love of God. Yet the love of God is not tied to, restricted by, or limited to our following any of man’s laws. God’s love is timeless. It has always been and will always be. God’s love is not affected by the silly, little games people play within the illusionary concept of time. Today, let us try loving as God does, in an eternal way. Being all One, simply offer everyone you think of and meet the love that you yourself would like to experience. Then allow this love to become your constant companion and continuously flow through you and throughout your day.

The unchangeable in us is the love that God is. Today, let us allow the eternal love in us to lead the way. Let us allow two aspects of God’s love — divine mercy and grace — to guide us. We offer God’s mercy by overlooking or forgiving the ego’s need to judge self and others. We offer God’s grace by reminding ourself that there is nothing our brothers and sisters need to think, say or do to earn God’s love. Thus today, there is nothing they need to think, say or do to earn ours. When we make the conscious decision to offer God’s mercy and grace, this aligns us and reinforces our eternal, loving essence and nature. God’s mercy and grace aligns our mind with the mind of God. Love is our truth, and being eternal in nature, we can never not be love. Today, let us simply practice being and sharing the love that God created us all to be.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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Audio Version

Daily Inspiration: February 26. The Unchanged, Unchanging, and Unchangeable – Condensed Version


Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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Comments (6)

Dear James, I thank God for guiding me to you and your site. The messages you share are so inspirational and helpful. Thank you from my heart! I am SO blessed and SO. grateful. Bless you, dear James. 💖🧘‍♀️🌈

Thank you Sheila for your kind words.

May you, before every interaction, align with your loving light, and offer only that love and light to all those God sends your way.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

Garikai Mashayamombe

Thank you so much for your matchless words of inspiration. They are so powerful and so refreshing that I cant imagine a day without them. May the Lord continue to shower you with even greater wisdom for the benefit His people. God bless!

Thank you Garikai for your kind words and for being open to the message.

Being all One, what is within one is within us all.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

Thank you very much for your Inspirations you day I truly enjoy them. I am in recovery from alcoholism and your daily devotional is really help me out God willing come June 19th I will have 7 years sober and I want to continue to grow in faith and in the Realm of the spirit. I really enjoy your daily devotionals thank you very much for sharing them

Thank you Robert for your kind words and for being open to the message.

Congratulations on almost seven year of sobriety.

Spirit, being Love and All, is all that in truth you could ever be, and because we are all One, all we could ever truly be. Let us, keep spending, each day, more and more of our time, focus and energy, on supporting and thus reinforcing our true nature. Let us do so, until our true loving nature is all we see and experience, in us, everyone and all.

Peace. JBC

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