Daily Inspiration: March 4. The Power You Hold Over The World You See – Condensed Version

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James reading with commentary
Inspiring Audio Message to Help People in their Awakening Process


When this world tries to imprison you in anger and hold you captive with thoughts of resentment or revenge, stop and recall that after all is said and done, this world is simply a reflection of the thoughts you think. Thus it is not this world but the thoughts you hold about this world that are holding you hostage. In the end, it is only you, through your own thoughts, who can hold yourself hostage or set yourself free. The external environment’s neutrality is broken by how you choose to define it. Your perceptions and reactions to your environment are simply compositions of beliefs that you have consented to as being normal, real and acceptable. Nothing or no one that is “outside” of you can make you feel angry, resentful, regretful or disheartened without your permission, without your own decision to become so.

Today, let us recall that God is Love and All. If our mind is not aligned with love, then it is not our true self who is living our life. It is actually the ego and its judgment-centric, fear-based mindset that is living it for us. If the ego is living our life for us, then we have no true power or control over the world we see. This is why we sometimes feel off-balanced, fearful, powerless and out of control. Today, if you feel this way, choose to no longer judge yourself or others. Instead, realize what is really happening. Then take back control of your thoughts, mind and life. You can do so by first forgiving “your” misperceptions of the world. Aligned with non-judgment, remind yourself that only the love in you is real. Then share the truth in you, love and its expressions, in whatever ways the moment seems to be requesting it.

May your day be filled with Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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Audio Version 

Daily Inspiration: March 4. The Power You Hold Over The World You See – Condensed Version


Inspiring Videos to Help People Awaken.    daily inspiration video Inspiring Videos to Help People Awaken.James reading with commentary


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Comments (6)

I do understand this message but I need advice about how to respond to the situation in the world we see today. How can I feel love for Vladimir Putin when he is creating so much suffering in Ukraine? I am praying constantly for peace and love but it is hard.

Thank you Fiona for your question.

Always do the opposite of what is bringing you inner pain. For if you don’t have peace within then you will not be able to have it in the world you see.

When doubt, fear, worry, anger, resentment and pain, all ego tools, all not the truth in you, try to imprison you within your mind, do not despair, but also to not cower to their demands. We have all taken those dead-end roads a thousand times before – and a thousand times before they have never led us to our true Home, the state of peace.

What is really happening then? The Universe is inviting you in those instances to practice trusting God more, trusting in the Divine plan we have all co-created with Him. This does not mean you don’t act, if acting is what brings you peace. And so you if you are sad, down or angry about Putin and Ukraine, then do what ever you can do to help out. Maybe you donate to some cause that is helping Ukrainians out, maybe you protest, maybe you write your senator – whatever it is you do, do what brings you greater peace to your heart and mind.

By bringing peace to your own mind you help your light become brighter and thus you hold a more peaceful vibe and space around you which then will help us also be peaceful around you. You are here to be the light of the world and so when you are consciously aligning with the Mind of God you are doing what you were created to be, do and share.

If not loving Putin is hurting you, then do the opposite of what is hurting you and love and pray for Putin. Pray that he awakens from his sleep. Pray that his heart is heal so that he can truly see. This does not mean you don’t act to help Ukraine. This means that no matter how much the ego demands you hate Putin, you decline that invitation. You decline that demand because you know that such an action only dims your light and stops you from becoming the light that the Creator of the Universe created you to be.

Today become active instead of reactive, trust God instead of your doubts and fears, and you will begin to experience peace instead of pain.

Peace. JBC

thank you….To God Be the GLORY, AMEN

Thank you Susan for being open to the message.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

I have just learned that I have an infected bone and it, at least, needs to be amputated. I am so afraid it may turn out to be more than the one toe and maybe “life” threatening. Intellectually I know and want to believe it is not real but I am still afraid.
Where will I find your writings or etc. that deals with this? I have your book and am on second read.
Thank you for being you. Warmly. Louisa

Louisa, thank you for your comment.

I would go to youtube and study “water only fasting” as a healing modality. The best center for that in the USA is called “True North Health Center” in Santa Rosa, California. They have doctor supervised water only fasting among other healing modalities.

Other people you can study on youtube are Dr. Robert Morse as well as other numerous plant-based doctors. Healthy Keto for such things as type 2 diabetes seems to also be helpful. Study those healing modalities and it will raise your level of consciousness in regards to how to naturally heal the body.

Peace. JBC

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