video of James reading with commentary |
To experience true peace, make the conscious choice to forgive the past, place the future fully in God’s hands, and return back to the present moment. The present moment, or now, is God’s gift to us. It is where the Peace of God forever resides. You may find yourself high in the Himalayan Mountains or inside prison walls, yet if there, and you are within the now, then you are One with the state of peace. Peace, being an expression of Love, who is God and All, resides within you forever now. All you need to do is to acknowledge its presence, in order to become One with it. Today, when the ego once again tries to drag you back into the past, or project you into the future, forgive, trust, and by doing so return back to the present moment. Very simply, forgive the past, place the future fully in God’s hands and return to the now. Do so and experience the peace that, as God’s creation, is your inheritance. The ego will work day and night to try to remove you from the now. To the ego, the now is a symbol of one who knows that they forever remain in God’s Loving arms. The ego, jealous of God’s Love for you, tries to remove you from the now, so that it can have you all to itself. The ego wants you to itself, not for your benefit but for its, so that you, through your judgments and worry, can fuel it. You fuel it by the attention you give to it. You fuel it by your judgments of self and others. When you carry judgments of the past, it is there you remain, no matter where you think you physically are. You drag the past into the now, and end up simply repeating past patterns that cover and rule over the present. This way you create a present and future like your past. This is why you keep repeating certain patterns. Today, forgive your judgments of self and others, let go of the past and return to the now. Also, when you are worried and stressed out about the future, it is there you remain, no matter where you physically are. Where your mind is, you are. Today, trust God’s plan. Let go of the future and return back to the now. Do so and enjoy your inheritance, God’s Peace.
There is no one physical location that is in truth any different from any other physical location. Yes, to the ego they look different, thus it makes you feel different in them. It does this so that you think you can have peace in some places or situations, but not in others. In reality, every location that God offers you is a gift from Him to you. Peace of mind is a natural reflection of this understanding. Each place you experience is the perfect environment and classroom for you to continue your growth, healing and awakening process. You may have been programmed by the ego, and now accept, that a mountain is more beautiful than an office building, or that a stream is more peaceful than a city street. If you have chosen to believe that, then so be it. But, if you buy into this way of thinking, then you will find it more difficult to experience peace in an office building or city street than you would in a mountain or stream. That thought process is one of the ego’s many false concepts within its mindset. In reality, such thinking is delusional in nature, for it says that Perfection would have you be in some place that is anything other than perfect for you. Today, let us let go of the ego’s silly little fairy tales. God is All. There is no time or place where God, Perfect Love is not. God, being All, exists as much within a mountain stream as in the busiest of city streets. God, being All, wherever you are, He is. God is wherever you are, thus the choice for peace is also always available to you, wherever you go. Today, practice using every occasion when the ego’s delusions are trying to convince you that there is no peace, to remind yourself: “God is All. God is everywhere and in everything. Therefore, God is in me wherever I go. Wherever I go, God is. When I am truly aligned with this understanding and choose to reside with Him within the now, I will be consciously One with God. Now, consciously One with my all-loving Source, I reside, wherever I go, and in all my interactions, in the state of peace.”
Today, you will know when you have truly entered the present moment when every person, place, or thing reflects to you the state of peace. When gratitude becomes your response to every person, place or thing, you are within the now, at one with the state of peace. No longer judge yourself as not wise, spiritual or worthy enough, when you find that your mind is focused on the so-called painful past or stressful future. Instead, use such painful stress filled times, to trigger in you the desire to awaken from the ego’s dream and return to the now. Ask yourself: “Am I, right now, in this very moment, in the past, present, or future? Am I, as God’s creation, not forever worthy of His inheritance, His peace? Is the ego’s programming in control of my thinking, or am I in control?” When you are in control of your thinking, you are within the present moment, and the state of peace results. When your ego-self is in control of your thinking, when it has your mind stuck in the past or lost in the future, then judgment of self and others, pain, anger, resentment, stress, and worry, result. Have you not already sacrificed enough of your life to past judgments and worrying about the future? How much more of your life, and the lives of others, are you willing to continue to sacrifice to the past or future? Today, deny the ego’s request to judge or worry. Today, by consciously choosing the now, you become a beacon of peace for others. Today, let us very simply practice forgiving the past, and placing the future fully in God’s hands. By doing so, we acknowledge to ourselves, that as God’s children, we are forever worthy of His Peace. Do not ever think yourself as unworthy of peace. You are God’s child and He is Love and All. You are forever worthy of your Father’s inheritance, you are forever worthy of His peace.
Today, let us work on becoming present, on returning our minds to the now, where the Peace of God forever resides. The state of peace is a sign of one who is truly present. Let us also work to better understand the signs of one who is living in the past or future. When you find yourself judging self or others, angry and resentful, these are all signs of one who has bought into their past programs, and thus remains stuck in the past. A tool that will help release us from the past, is forgiveness. When you are worry, anxiousness and stressed out, these are signs of one who is being rule by the future. A tool that will help us let go of the future, is trusting in God and placing the future fully in His hands. Today, let us practice using these two tools, until they become natural, logical and absolutely normal responses to the ego’s delusional thinking.
I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.
All glory to God.
Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.
James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”
If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.
Please share your thoughts in the comments section below and/or on our social media pages. We also offer condensed versions of the daily inspirational messages. |
No matter where you are in life to just be ok with who and where you are in life everything is a process it’s ok to make mistakes just keep moving forward I like to say I’m healing from the inside out and truly trust in that process God is the only one that can help us heal.
Thank you Angela for being a member of our community.
Every moment is a sacred co-creation with God, thus every moment is perfect and for your good and growth.
Every moment is here to help us grow, heal and awaken. When we realize this peace results and we become a beacon of peace and non-judgment for others.
Peace. JBC
I believe I am at peace and am able to forgive and control my ego so that I may be one with God.Thank you for your words of wisdom.
Thank you Ione for being open to the message and an example of peace.
May you will always be, the love and light that God created you to be.
All glory to God.
Peace. JBC
I lost my wife 0n march 30th 2016
Bill, I am very sorry for your loss.
Two books I found comforting in relation to love ones returning home and what that process is like for them is ‘Many Lives, Many Master’ by Dr. Brian Weiss, and Journey of Souls’ by Dr. Michael Newton.
Maybe they they can of some assistance to you.
Peace. JBC