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The Time Between Anger and Forgiveness
Video message based on the Inspirational Daily post of January 15:
The amount of time between anger and forgiveness is not only measured in time, but also in pain. Pain is not God’s will for you, peace is. You, as Love’s creation, are worthy of peace, not pain. But first you must acknowledge this to yourself and truly believe it to fully experience it. In order to experience true peace, practice making the conscious decision to value forgiveness over judgment and thus peace over pain. When you finally decide that you desire peace more than pain, it is then that you will forgive. You have been gifted free will. No one, other than you, can decide when you will forgive, and thus when you will achieve the state of peace. You will always experience the amount of pain that you deem necessary in order to convince you to start looking for a better way. …continue reading.
- James Blanchard Cisneros
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