Daily Inspiration: April 26. The Illusion of Judgment

The ego’s judgment-centered programs and mindset have no control over you, other than the control that you give to them. Knowing this, now when other people judge you, say to yourself what a great man once said: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Then simply forgive their misperceptions of you. Let go of their judgments of you, and of your judgments of them, for judging you. For what could the false concept of judgment possibly be, when God is Love, Truth and All? There can be no opposition to Love which is All, thus there can in be no such thing as judgment within Truth. If there is in reality no such thing as judgment, then what need would you ever have for it, or to defend yourself against it? Judgment of self and others is simply a symbol of one who has forgotten their true essence and nature. No longer judge yourself, for while in the ego’s dream, thinking that its false concepts were real. We have all been there and done that. Instead, learn to use judgment as a trigger mechanism that helps you recognize when you are dreaming, and thus helps you awaken from the dream. If you can learn to use judgment in this manner, would it not then become an ally in your healing and awakening process? Yes indeed, God can help you learn how to use all for good. God being All, can use everything, even people’s delusions, to help them awaken from their sleep. Once we learn how to use judgment, which is simply an expression of fear, for good, then we can also learn how to use all of fear’s illusionary expressions, for a higher purpose. Imagine, being able to use fear’s expressions, such as those of anger, anxiousness, resentment and hate, not to further sink in to the darkness, but for good, to help us awaken from the ego’s dream. How much more of a comfortable, peaceful and joyful, life would you then be able to lead?

When a brother or sister judges you, know that it’s not the truth in them that is doing so. The part of them that judges you is an un-awakened, unhealed child part that still believes that the ego’s fairy tale is real. Would you judge a child for believing that a fairy tale that was taught to them as true is true? Would you judge a child if he shapes his hand like a gun and shoots at you? Would you judge a child for being afraid of the monsters in his dreams? Only the un-awaken sleeping part in you would be bothered by, and judge such actions and reactions. My friend, know this: You will never be judged by anyone’s truth, because judgment does not exist in truth. Judgment, being a tool of, and a character within the ego’s fairytale, does not exist within God who is Truth, Love and All. If judgment does not exist in God, then within reality, it does not exist at all. Today, when another person judges you, do not spend any of your time, focus or energy, on that delusional action. Do not waste your time defending yourself against nothing. Do not give nothing, though the time and energy you spend on it, a power that it does not have. Instead, learn to overlook or forgive it. Then without hesitation, simply and gently let it go. When you don’t spend your time, focus or energy, on an illusion, in this case someone judging you, then that illusion has no fuel to glow or grow. Today, every time a judgmental thought pops up in your head, overlook or forgive it, realizing that being illusionary in nature, it can only seem to become real, if you make it so. If you need help in forgiving or overlooking your judgment, simply feel and visualize yourself handing it over to God, and it dissolving in His Light, Mercy, Love and Grace. Then pray for that person who you judged and who judged you. Pray for their well-being, peace of mind and joy, and if you can’t do so, then ask God to pray for them until you are able to feel and follow the wisdom of God’s lead.

Today, know that no matter how diligently we look to keep judgment out of our lives, it will always look for a way to creep back in. Understand this, do not judge yourself, but stay vigilant. Now, when it knocks on your mind’s door, look through the peephole, and seeing and understanding who it is, decline its request to enter. Now you know that judgment is not a true part of you, and because we are all One, it is not the truth in others. Only when asleep could we ever think that the false in us was true. No longer judge yourself when you sleep, nor others for sleeping. Now awake, you no longer need to invest your time, focus or energy, in a delusional dream. Today, allow your truth to guide you, allow forgiveness, kindness, peace, joy and understanding, all symbols of an awaken mind, to guide you on your path to peace. Now, If you but for a moment fall back into the dream of judgment, use it, but not to condemn yourself or others, but instead as a directional device, that reminds you that you are headed in the wrong direction. Then stop, align once again with your loving nature, forgive and continue on your path to peace. Once you learn to use your missteps to heal instead of to hurt, you’ll align with the Mind of God, by learning how to use all, even the darkness, to increase your light. Now, as we begin to awaken we spend less of our time supporting the ego’s delusions, and more of our time reinforcing the light, the truth in us as true. Today, let us become an example to others, that the tools of the ego, such as those of judgment, are not real nor true. Let us, by the way we interact with others remind them, that what is not real nor true could never hurt the truth in them or you. 

Today, let us recall that because God is Love and All, that judgment placing itself in opposition to Love, can not be real nor true. This makes judgment illusionary in nature. It is we, by how much we focus our time and energy on an illusion, that seem to enhance or diminish its effect on our life. Today, when a judgment of self or other pops into our mind, demanding to be recognized and fed, we simply decline its request to enter, by overlooking or forgiving it. If we feel that right now we can’t do that, then let us visualize ourselves handing our hurts over to God, and visualize and feel them dissolving before His mercy, grace and light. Then let us pray for those who have judged us, or for those that we have judged. Again, if you can not yet do that, then ask God to do this for you, until you can feel and understand, the wisdom of His path. 

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

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Comments (4)

Reminds me of a great book “LOVE IS LETTING GO OF FEAR”

Forgiveness is the path for Peace beyond understanding….

Thank you John for being open to the message.

Peace. JBC

This is the day I ask Jesus and the Holy Spirit to help me wake up .I pray we all can be aware of our ego and awaken to Truth.The pain of being ostracized from my 2 sisters,son,2 daughters for 13 years,is the sign I’m taking this illusion seriously and a trick into self pity.Its my birthday and I hesitated upon awakening from sleep to celebrate it.Then I thought I can use this day to ask the Holy Spirit to take me to the faultless peaceful place that not taking my and others judgements seriously.I pray today I am in touch with the illusion of guilt and judgement of myself and by others.I pray today I choose to be the joyful peaceful loving accepting person I was meant to be,and I pray that I remember all the day that we are but One. Thank You God, may we remember we awaken together in love,in peace ,in charity,and joyfullyLet the silly games stop..And let me not fear my ego is running the show,who’s stronger,the ego or the true One our God who helps us.


Donna thank you for your prayer.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

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