Daily Inspiration: June 20. Returning to the State of Oneness

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


We are all One. As unconscious as it may sometimes appear to be, we have all made a spiritual commitment to help each other find, become and express our Oneness, the Love and sameness that unites us all. We are here to help each other find how we can best use the unique expression of Love that we are – to help heal this world. Our individual passions, what we take joy in doing, what we love, all these are expressions of Oneness, of who we are here to be and share. We best serve this world when we are being our own unique expression of Oneness. By being an example of your unique expression of Oneness, you then free others to do the same. When others feel free to become their unique expression of Oneness they no longer feel alone, separate, unfulfilled, confused or joyless. Yet, if you are feeling this way do not despair, for you have simply not yet recalled who in truth you are, and thus what you are here to do. These expressions are not symbols of who you are, but of forgetfulness. Again do not despair, for we all sooner or later tire of being who we are not. This is then when we begin to recall who we in truth are and are meant to be. When you are being who you in truth are, you will help beam to others the memory of their true light, essence, nature, mission and Home. As they begin to recall their true nature, they will begin to feel peaceful, joyful, honorable, excited, passionate, of service and fulfilled. All these are energetic expression of Oneness, of our Creator, and thus are our natural state.  As Oneness’ expressions flow through us, they will shine onto everyone and all. In Oneness, a sense of unity with all others will be experienced and felt. Just as rivers naturally flow towards the sea, so too do we naturally, even in our most seeming turbulent times, flow towards Oneness, towards God.  

The ego has no interest in wanting us to recall Oneness, for being in opposition to God, to All That Is, its goal is separation. It wants us separate from God and each other, so that it can have us all to itself. It uses your judgments of self and others to fuel itself and its mindset. The more we believe that the ego and we are one, the less we will focus on being, through our actions, expressions of Oneness. When you are feeling separate from another, know that the ego is using you to achieve its goals. The ego is feeding itself, while starving you. It has misled and lied to you about who you are, and you have bought into its lies as true. When you are expressing who you are not, judgment, frustration, anger, anxiousness, resentment, hate, revenge and regret, flow through you. Because these are some of the ego’s tools, a sense of separation will be felt. This sense of separation, no matter how ‘in the right’ the ego tells us we are to feel this way, will not feel right. We will not feel at peace with how we are conducting ourselves. Yet do not despair, for the ego itself is self-destructive in nature. The ego’s mindset is unnatural to us, thus once we have travel its road long enough, we will see that it is not getting us to where we desire to be. For this reason, even these so-called ‘negative’, emotionally challenging moments, ‘backward steps’, mistakes and ‘sins’, will be of use in helping us awaken. The ego’s own mindset of separateness, being self-centered and destructive, will in time naturally lead us away from who we are not. This in time will help us figure out who in truth we are. This is why we must not despair, nor in our darkest hours become depress. In reality, with God being All, although sometimes it may not look it, we are always moving into a closer alignment with our All Loving Source.  

Today, let us set our judgments of self and others aside. Let us now offer gratitude for the opportunity that every moment, both the ‘positive’ and the ‘negative’ ones, and everyone involved in those moments, are offering us. Today, let us recall that every seemingly difficult period in our life, where the ego and its illusionary idea of separation ruled as king, has been and will be overcome. The ego will be overcome, because it is false, and we are One with Truth. When we awaken to the realization that we are all One, we will not curse the ego for having us suffer and experience the pain of separation. Instead, we will thank it for providing us the life lessons we can now use to help lead others out of the dark and lonely nature of its mindset and back into Union with The Light within. Yes, it will be because others will see that we overcame the illusion of separation, that they too will begin to recall that such an opportunity is also available to them. In doing so, they too will become a ray of hope for others. Little by little, as they awaken to the truth in them, they will start wanting to align with the choice for love. By doing so, they will begin to see how truly alike we are to each other. The more they choose Oneness over separation, love over fear, and peace over pain, the more they will recall and reinforce their true nature. Then one day their true nature is all that they will desire to be, express, represent and share. Today, let us recall that being One with All, that we could never in truth be separate from each other nor from God. Today, let us awaken from dreams of separation that once appeared so real. Yes, dreams may sometimes feel very real while we are in them, but do not despair, for in truth, they are always just dreams, unreal, not true.

Today, let us be at peace and recall that because God is All,  in truth, we can never be anywhere but at One with our loving Source. To be more consciously at One with God, let us learn to recognize some of the symbols of Oneness and separateness. When at One with God, Love shines through us and into the world. Some of Love’s expressions are passion, joy, peace of mind, compassion, forgiveness and understanding. When we forget our true nature, we become aligned with the ego’s false concept of separateness. Some of the signs of separateness are judgment of self and others, anger, resentment, hate, revenge, feeling anxious, depressed and in despair. Today, if we find ourselves not moving in the direction of Oneness, let us simply recognize that we are not headed in the direction we want, forgive ourselves for this, align with our loving nature, and choose to change direction.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

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