Daily Inspiration: June 6. Your Eternal Truth is Within You Now

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


Today, let us recall that enlightenment is not a change into something more or better. It is simply a recognition and acknowledgment of who we in truth already are. We are the Love that created us. We are here to share this Love, in our own unique ways, and in the ways the moment and those in it are requesting. The Love in us is changeless and eternal, thus it is not something we need to fantasize about finding in the future. It is not something that we can ever lose to the past. Who you in truth are, you have always been, and will forever be. The ego’s world will try to convince you to focus on something other than your true nature. It does so to try to have you judge yourself as less than Love, thus not a part of your Creator, but of it, the ego. Judgment of self or other is simply a sign of one who has forgotten their true nature. Today, do not judge yourself for your forgetfulness. Instead, learn to see and recognize the signs of forgetfulness as triggers that help you practice recalling, choosing and reinforcing your true nature. It will be this practice, your search to recall your true nature, that will help you secure, reinforce and strengthen, your connection to your eternal loving essence. When you see that when you judge others, that all they were actually doing was helping you recall your true nature, gratitude will become your new response to them. The journey from forgetting to remembering may sometimes appear to be long. But, in truth it is a journey without distance, to a place that you have never left. To help you begin to recall your true nature consciously choose forgiveness when the ego demands judgment. Trust in God when the ego wants you to stress out and worry. Choose to be happy instead of right, and thus peace over pride. One loving choice will make your path to the next loving choice feel much more natural. Continue this path until Love’s expression are all you desire to align with and share.

No one needs to learn who they are, for consciously or unconsciously, they already know. You do not need spiritual gurus to teach you anything real, for all truth, all that is real, already resides within you. Being all One, the knowledge that is available to One of us, is available to All of us. All so-called gurus and teachers can do is remind you of who you are. You do not need to hike in the Himalayan Mountains or search for your treasure in some far away land, for your true treasure resides within. Look within for your true treasure, and do not be be afraid to ask God for assistance in your search. You, as God’s creation, are forever worthy of His help. You are worthy of knowing your truth. You have come here to find, be and share the truth. To share your eternal loving essence, forgive all misperceptions of self and others, and become the love that you were created to be. Turn off this world’s distractions, close your eyes and become silent. In this silence, begin to notice every thought that you are carrying that does not belong in your loving temple. Gently forgive and discard each and every one of your unloving thoughts, for none of them represent the truth in you. Then practice spending time in your temple, in conscious alignment with your All-Loving Source. Feel the love that you are, increasing within you as you concentrate on it. Feel it filling you up as your focus remains on it. Then after being completely filled, allow this love to begin to overflow. Allow it to overflow to everything and everyone in your life who you have been withholding love from. Then open your eyes and continue this process, sharing your loving nature with all those who God sends your way.

Today, none of the ego’s passing clouds will make us forget that the sun still and always shines. Today, let us become those rays of light and hope that our brothers and sisters have been longing to feel. Let us offer hope to those who have been programmed by the ego to believe that they or their situations are hopeless. Let us, through our loving examples, begin to light the way for those who are now searching for their true nature. Let us remind those who are worried and stressed out that they can choose to instead trust God and find peace. The ego wants us to get lost in its maze and forget who in truth we are. It knows that when we forget that we are One with God, we will look to it for support. If we look to it and unite with it, the ego gets to survive and thrive through us. Let us decline the ego’s request and through Love’s expressions such as those of compassion, forgiveness, hope and understanding, unite once again with God. By shining the loving truth on our brothers and sisters, they will reflect back to us and thus reinforce our true nature. For this alone, let us be grateful to them. Together, aligned with and in The Light, let us help all others find their way back to their eternal loving essence and nature. Now, reflecting only our true nature, there are no more mountains to climb or rings of fire to jump through to become who in truth we are. Now, if we once again find ourselves in the ego’s grip, let us not despair. Instead let us begin to see and feel how foreign the ego’s mindset and tools are to our loving nature. The more we get to practice recognizing when we are in the ego’s grip, the quicker we will be able to release ourselves from it, and thus the sooner we will return to the state of peace. In doing so, we will become thankful to our all of our life experience for helping us see and recall, that only the loving truth in us is true. 

Today, understanding that God is Love and All, we see every moment as simply offering us the opportunity to recall our true nature. Love created us in His image, and so anytime we align with any of Love’s expressions, we are reinforcing  our true nature. The more we get to practice choosing our true nature over the ego’s delusions, the more natural is way of being will feel. To all those the ego would have had us once condemn, let us thank them for offering us, through our interactions with them, the opportunities to recall who in truth we are. Today, to all those that judge us, but we in turn forgive, thank you. Today, to all those that tell us that we should be worried and stressed out, but we instead choose to trust in God more, thank you. Today, to all those who in any way try to demean our journey, but we instead choose to be compassionate and understanding towards them, thank you.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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