Daily Inspiration: March 11. Ending Our Support of The Ego’s Mindset – Condensed Version

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The ego has programmed us to believe that judgment, anger, resentment and fear are natural and normal expressions of who we are in truth. When we support these false concepts as true, we end up feeling off-balanced, insecure, lost and confused. The truth is that God is Love and All, and thus all we could ever be is the love that God is. Today, let us ask ourself if the ego’s thought system and mindset have ever truly aligned us with the loving mind of God? Has this foreign mindset ever provided us with shelter from the ego’s chaotic storm? Regardless of how much false power the ego’s mindset seems to give us over others, has it ever helped us genuinely feel confident, safe and secure? Has it ever delivered peace to our mind and joy to our heart? If it can’t do any of these things then why should we continue to support such a defective mindset as real, as a part of us?

Today, let us practice understanding when we are and are not supporting the ego’s delusional mindset as real. Being in judgment of self or others is a sign that the ego’s past programs are ruling over us. Forgiveness is a sign that we have taken back control of our own mind. The more quickly we can recognize when the ego is trying to think and act for us, the less we suffer. The less we suffer, the more we will become a beacon of peace. Today, let us be grateful for our brothers’ and sisters’ presence in our life. For they are offering us the opportunities to practice letting go of our own judgments, of a mindset we no longer want. Our interactions with them are helping us see that when we are not at peace we are simply buying into the ego’s lies as true.

May your day be filled with Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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Audio Version 

Daily Inspiration: March 11, Condensed Version: Ending Our Support of the Ego’s Mindset


Inspiring Videos to Help People Awaken.    daily inspiration video Inspiring Videos to Help People Awaken.    James reading with commentary


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Comments (2)

So needed to hear this today!! I have my employee evaluation today. Ego is jumping all over this situation. 🙂

Thank you Geoff for being a member of our community.

When the ego trust to pollute your mind simply recall that you have free will and can thus choose peace instead of the ego’s chaos.

Peace. JBC

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