video of James reading with commentary |
You will know those who are in emotional pain, those you are here to serve, by what they offer you. They will come to you carrying judgment, anger, resentment, guilt, shame and hate. They will come to you confused, lost and in fear. They will come to you offering all that the ego’s delusional world has sold to them as being their truth. They will come to you in this manner, but you will not judge them for this. Instead, you will see their appeals as calls for help and healing. Today, do not listen to the ego’s demands for condemnation. Instead, use these interactions to practice consciously choosing, reflecting and thus reinforcing that only your loving nature is real and true. Remember that in their own ways, the people around you who are in emotional pain are asking for your compassion, light, peace and understanding. Recall that, as Love’s creations, only the love in them could ever be real or true.
Today, if people attack you through their judgments, anger, fear, resentment or hate, recall that they are simply asking for you to help and heal them. Feel honored that God has entrusted you with His children’s healing. Out of billions of people on this planet, God has chosen you to help His children awaken. During the storm, stand solid and strong in your loving foundation. Through your compassion, become a beacon of light that those who are lost can use to find their way back Home. Remember that no one’s delusional dreams can disturb the sacred truth in you. You are safe and secure, under God’s care and protection, in union and sacred partnership with the Divine. Remember that you do not need to defend yourself against what is not real or true. Remember and share with others today that no one’s truth could ever do anything to you other than to love you.
All glory to God.
Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.
James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”
If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.
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I am so grateful knowing I will start my day in the mental state of conscious love . Thank you for guidance and love on my journey!
Thank you Frankie for being open to the message and for being a member of our community.
Every day, align with the truth within, the light that you were created to be, and in your own unique and sacred way, shine bright for all to see.
Peace. JBC
Love this! Thank you for your light.
Thank you Nina for being open to the message. Peace. JBC