Daily Inspiration: October 31. Unloving Thoughts are Masks We Wear – Condensed Version

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


Unloving and unforgiving thoughts and emotions are energetic masks we wear. These masks dim and can even block our true eternal, loving light, essence and nature. These masks come in many disguises such as judgment, frustration, anxiousness, anger, resentment, hate, revenge, fear, guilt and shame. All these are not the truth in us, but they do hide the truth in us. We have come here to be and express our light, not to hide or block it. These masks are sewed together by the unloving and unforgiving thoughts and emotions that we hold about ourself, others and this world. The ego, in an attempt to hide our loving nature from us and from this world, has programmed us to believe that we can only choose from its masks. It is thus through these false identities that we are viewing and experiencing this world. It is why when we view the world through these masks that we think of and see the ego’s fairy tale as real.

Today, look at all unloving and unforgiving thoughts as simply masks you have been programmed by the ego to wear. Practice taking off the ego’s mask, putting it down, and thus in essence forgiving and healing. When you do, your light will no longer be dimmed or blocked and thus it will fully shine out to everyone and all. By doing so, you will represent God, Love, Light on Earth. By doing so, you will feel fulfilled because you will be fulfilling your mission and function as God‘s loving light in this world. Today, if an unloving or unforgiving thought or emotion pops up, do not condemn yourself, others or this world. Instead, learn to see and use these thoughts and emotions as signs that show you when you have put on the ego’s mask. Then with gentleness and grace, forgive, take the ego’s mask off, put it down, heal and shine. You, as God’s loving, light-filled creation, do not belong hiding behind some dark and delusional mask. You belong shining bright, a light within the darkness, a sign, signal and beacon of hope to all those who, for a brief moment in eternity, have forgotten who they truly are.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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Comments (8)

Thank you james..I have been doing this lately realizing that so much of my thinking was negative or judgemental . No wonder I can’t feel god.

Thank you missn for being open to the message.

Every time a negative or judgmental thought tries to enter your mind’s gate, use it, but not to feed that thought with your time, energy and focus, but instead to trigger in you, the desire to consciously practice positive and forgiving thoughts.

The more you get to practice, the more that positive and forgiving thoughts will become a more natural and normal response and part of your experience.

Peace. JBC

I read your Daily Inspiration Daily or most days! When i read it, i often wonder how to apply this thinking to what is going on in the country as well as in the world. It seems there is so much hatred going on between 2 ways of thinking and neither side is willing to listen to the other. There is such division. When I express myself about seeing the good in what is happening rather than all the negatives, I am seen as a bad person because, I won’t take sides or they think I must be rooting for they they see as the enemy. Not sure what to think.

Thank you Louise for being open to the message and for being a member of our community.

Choose not to focus your mind “out there”, but within. For when your mind is healed, then the world you will see through the healed mind, will also begin to heal.

Focus on bringing peace to your own mind, and you will begin to experience more peace in this world.

Choose to become a beacon of peace, and it will be peace that will radiate from you onto this world.

Choose forgiveness over judgment of self or others, compassion over condemnation, love over fear, and by doing so you will begin to unite the world, by helping those in it remember, who in truth they are and were created to be, One, Love, One Love, One Heart, One Mind.

Peace. JBC

Thanks, James for your reply to Louise Seveny, since I have the same comments. It is very easy to say or express in writing, but not that easy to implement in the life when chaos is everywhere. Maintaining equanimity towards everything on a daily basis is a battle. Unless, you shut-off yourself from everything in the world. It takes lot’s of practice and very strong mind to practice peace in today’s world. It is possible, but not that easy.

Thank you Bharati for being a member of our community.

Let us, each time we get to practice consciously choosing peace instead of chaos, thank the Universe and all those in involved in that seeming chaos. Let us recall that all they are in truth doing is offering us an opportunity to recall that it is we who should have control over our thoughts, our thoughts should not be controlling us.

Peace is an aspect and expression of the Loving energy that is our Creator. We are here to create as our Creator created, through the energy of love and Its expressions. Any time, even and especially during seeming times of chaos, we instead choose maybe through compassion or forgiveness, the state of peace, we will be doing what our Creator created us to do. When we are doing what our Creator created us to do we will feel fulfilled because we will be doing what we came here to do.

We are here to be a light in the darkness, to offer hope to those feeling hopeless, and show those in fear that peace is always just a simple choice away. The more we practice the conscious choice for peace the more natural and normal the choice for peace will become. When peace become a more natural and normal choice those once seeming difficult battles will become gentle reminders and doorways to the state of peace. When those battles become gentle reminders and doorways to the state of peace, it is then we will thank, not judge, those who were a part of it for helping us practice and thus reinforce that only the loving truth in us is true.

Today, instead of shutting off from the world by buying into the seeming chaos as real and thus losing our peace of mind, let us simply see such times as gifts from the Universe to us. The Universe is inviting us to take control of our own thoughts and minds and thus how we choose to define and participate in this world. It is by doing so that aligned with the Mind of God our light will shine brighter and brighter each day.

Today, by reacting to everyone and all with gratitude instead of judgment we become the lights that God created us to be. In doing so we help guide those who are lost back Home to the state of peace.

Let us note the the more we practice this, the easier this practice will become, until one day peace is all that we will see.

Peace. JBC

Thank you James for such brilliant clarity!

Thank you Shelley for being open to the message.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

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