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Both judgment and the choice not to forgive, are forms of self-abuse. What you think of and do to “others,” you feel and experience yourself. Do your judgments of others not weigh you down, no matter how right the ego says you are to make them? Does your inability to forgive others not bring you a sense of incompletion and regret? Does this way of thinking not increase your daily levels of stress, anxiety and guilt? Does being in a bad mood not hasten your anger? When in this mindset, does your patience not fade quicker? Do these judgments and your lack of forgiveness not keep you tossing and turning at night? How much longer will you insist on punishing yourself with your own thoughts? If you have come to this message, it is because the time for judgment, punishment and pain is over, and the time for forgiveness, healing and peace has come. You are God’s creation, you are forever worthy of forgiveness, healing and peace. Today, remember that we are all One, and so offer others what you would like to experience. What is truly worth more to you, your ego’s need to be right, or your right to be happy? It is not the individual who thinks himself or herself to be right who ‘wins’ an argument. It is the person who is happiest and at peace who truly succeeds. You succeed when you end up in alignment with your true loving nature, with who you were created to be. Peace and joy are your birthright. Still, you have free will, thus it is you who must be willing to value peace and joy more than the ego’s need to be right. Today, let us practice using our free will to choose forgiveness over judgment and thus peace over pain.
The ego has programmed us to believe that when we judge or do not forgive, that it is we who are winning and holding a power over another. But ask yourself: “Is this so-called winning and power over another bringing me the peace of mind and joy I want? How can it be that if according to the ego, I am doing everything right, that the stench of confusion, sorrow, guilt and burden, still linger? How come I keep tossing and turning at night and can’t fall asleep if it is I who is winning, victorious and holds all the power?” Go ahead question the ego, but still do not despair, for the opportunity for healing, peace of mind, joy and true victory, are always just a choice away. The same people the ego taught you to judge, blame and punish, by forgiving them, will bring you back into alignment with the states of healing, peace and joy, and thus to true victory over this delusional world. Today, behold your innocent brothers and sisters as they simply await for you to change advisors. They are waiting for you to shift from the ego’s mindset to being One with the Mind of God. The ego’s advise will have you travel down the same dead end judgment filled roads. God’s guidance will simply remind you to love all others as yourself. It is at One with God’s guidance that the states of forgiveness, healing, peace of mind and joy, naturally reflect from you and unto this world. Choosing God over the ego, Love over fear, and forgiveness over judgment, these are all true victories. Today, together with God, step onto the true victor’s podium. Your Father has made your victory easy to achieve. It is in any moment, just a simple and loving choice away. Today, choose to be and represent only Love. Become an example to others that true victory can be achieved even in this world. Show them that thanks to free will the choice for Love over the ego’s programs, forgiveness over judgment, peace over pain, and joy over guilt, are always, in every moment, also available to them.
Today, look deep into the mirror and ask yourself: “Who am I really punishing by holding onto judgments and resentments within my heart and mind?” Today, when the ego once again demands judgment, or tells you not to forgive another, remind yourself of the dark and sorrowful places the ego’s so-called advice has taken you. Then, choose to instead forgive and experience the healing, peace of mind and joy, that as God’s creation, are your inheritance. Today, use the ego’s demands not to condemn self and others, but instead to trigger in you ‘a call to action’ from your highest self to forgive. Offer what you yourself would desire to experience. Keep reminding yourself throughout the day that we are all One, and so what you offer ‘others,’ you will get to experience yourself. Keep reminding yourself of the very little the ego’s roads have offered, and how they have never brought you to a place of healing, peace and joy. Today, keep reminding yourself throughout the day, that you, as God’s child, are worthy of healing, peace and joy. Keep reminding yourself that being all One, that in order to experience these energies you must offer them to all those who ego would have you condemn. Before any interaction remind yourself: “Judgment and the desire not to forgive, are both forms of self-abuse. By following the ego advice, I have ended up abusing and disrespecting myself. When will enough finally be enough? Today, above any so-called victory that the ego will insist I can obtain, I instead decide to align only with Love, with my loving essence an nature. Today, I allow Love and its expressions, such as those of compassion, forgiveness and understanding, to guide me to a place of peace, healing and understanding.”
Today, let us practice respecting ourselves. We do so by recalling, that being all One, the thoughts, words and emotions, we use on others, first have to flow through us. It will be these thoughts, words and emotions, that will either poison or heal us. If they align with the ego’s judgment centered mindset and its desire to hold power over others by not forgiving them, then it is we who will suffer. Still, let us also not despair, for thanks to free will, our freedom from the ego’s mindset is just a choice away. The choice that frees us is the one that aligns us with the Mind and Love of God. As we practice loving everyone, we also practice loving every part of our Whole Self. In doing so, we will realize that there is truly nothing more self-loving and self-respecting, than to love and respect everyone and all.
I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.
All glory to God.
Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.
James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”
If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.
Please share your thoughts in the comments section below and/or on our social media pages. We also offer condensed versions of the daily inspirational messages. |
This was in perfect timing (as always). I have been working on letting go of the things in my past that have kept me blocked and stuck. I have recognized in myself my judgments and my unforgiveness in situations that I have hung onto for many years. As I worked to recognize how all of us have our issues and things we are working on, how so often “hurt people, hurt people”, to see that those that did hurt me physically and mentally were also hurting inside. While I am not excusing their behavior, I can forgive and pray for them to be lifted up, for their pain to be seen and released. As I have worked on this over the last few months, I feel lighter, I feel peace and can finally allow myself the opportunity to experience joy. I can look back now and see what hanging on to all of this has done and to recognize the importance of freeing not only myself, but those involved in the situations I am working on. I don’t want to be angry or judgment or not forgiving anymore. It is a heavy burden and I am thankful that I have the opportunity to release all of that heaviness and finally experience some true peace and joy. Thank you for putting this out there. As I said, the timing couldn’t have been better.
Thank you Tammy for being open to the message.
Every time a judgmental thought about a brother or sister pops up, let us choose to no longer buy into the ego’s mindset and thus sink ourselves deeper into the darkness by placing our time, focus and energy on thoughts that are unworthy of our true everlasting loving essence and nature. Instead, every single time such thoughts pop up let us learn to use those moments to practice forgiveness, compassion, love, and understanding, all emotions and energies that we have come here into this world to manifest, become and share. In doing so we free ourselves of our burdens, discard the darkness, and become the light of the world. Then, let us never forget to always thank, yes offer gratitude, to all those brothers and sisters who the ego was having us condemn, for it is because of their physical and mental presence in our lives that we are getting the opportunities practice letting go of who we are not and thus become the loving light that the Creator created us to be.
Being all One, it is only when we forgive others that we heal those hidden and hurting parts within our hearts and minds that remind aligned with the darkness of the ego’s judgment-centeric fear-based mindset. As we do so, as every part of us begins to heal, our journey becomes a more compassionate one, our path becomes smoother and more loving, and our ability to help guide our brothers and sisters out of the darkness and back into alignment with the light in them rises like the sun on a brand new day.
Today, let us forgive the past, place the future fully in God’s hands and by doing so return to the present moment, the Holy Instant, where only the joy, peace and love of God forever resides.
Peace. JBC
Thanks very much for these wonderful daily reminder. Today is my third reading this and i am truly thankful to you and to God all the words. I am learning and being reminded of how to love God, myself and others. I have been torturing my self and others but this set me on a path of hearing. Thanks alot for making me realize the ego illusion and how to make a choice to follow it and torture my self and others but lather choose to align myself with love of God and allow myself and other healing, joy and peace by being compassionate, understanding, forgiving and respectful toward myself and others. We are children of God and we are all one brother and sister. I like how each day message connect to one another.
While writing this comment, i realized that it will be a good thing to start writing a journal about what i am learning here and about other things as well, thanks a lot brother.
Thank you Salome for being open to the message and for being a member of our community.
God is Love and you are His creation. Your truth is Love and we are all One. In each moment and interaction during your day, stop for a moment and ask your heart, what expression of love am I being ask to be and offer right now. This will be God, answering His children’s prayers through you.
Always remember, that only the Love in you is true, thus all that you can ever in truth offer to others is the truth in you. The more you stop and practice aligning with the truth in you, the love within, the more natural and normal this behavior will become, until one day this love is what you will naturally desire to offer all others.
Today, be the love that God created you to be. Do so and you will feel fulfilled, because in essence you will be doing what God created you to do.
Peace. JBC
Your words are a beautiful reflection of God’s love. You are truly gifted to be able to speak in such an articulate and eloquent way. Your words help remind us the love, joy, and peace we are looking for is right inside of us. And our brothers and sisters hold the keys to allow us to feel them. I love you brother and thank you dearly
Thank you Wolf for your kind words and for being open to the message.
The words that Spirit shares through me are simply a reflection of who in truth we all are, and that is why they are beautiful, because we all are.
We may not be God, but all that God is we are, and God is only Love, and so we must be, being that God is All, only love. Let us all, every day, look only upon the truth in all our brothers and sisters, and by doing so, in every interaction, reinforce only the love in us as true.
All glory to God.
Peace. JBC