Daily Inspiration: June 11. Forgiveness Gifts You Power Over Judgment

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


To every sister and brother the ego insists you judge, God’s one and only request is: “Forgive and you will see them differently.” Behind every temporal thought of judgment, there stands your sister’s eternal innocence. Beneath every programmed false concept of emotional pain, there lays the option for peace. Beyond every hurtful word and every sacrifice that you have made to anger and resentment, there remains the possibilities for reconciliation, healing and peace. Forgiveness offers you power over all thoughts that now seem to have power over you. Forgiveness frees you from every thought that chains and holds you captive to the ego’s world. Forgiveness offers you the opportunity to recall and redefine each moment as the opportunity for growth that it truly is. Today, let us recall that being all One, when you forgive another, it is you who you set free from judgment’s burdens. If you for now cannot find it in your heart to forgive, then ask God to forgive them for you. Ask, visualize and feel God forgiving your fellow journeyman over and over again, until you are able to feel, acknowledge and want to follow the wisdom of God’s actions. God desires all of Love’s expressions to forever embrace you. Forgiveness, reconciliation, hope, harmony, healing and peace, are some of the numerous expressions of Love. You being God’s creation, all of Love’s expression are within you now. Forgiveness, is one of the main keys that takes you from the ego’s illusionary state, where judgment and anger reign supreme, to your natural state, where the peace and joy of God forever reside. This is one of your missions here, to learn to, and show others how to, use forgiveness as a path to peace. Today, be that path to peace that so many in this world are searching for. Today, allow all the gifts that God has for this world, to flow through you.

We have all traveled the ego’s dead end roads of judgment enough times in our lives to realize that condemning ourselves or others does not get us to the state of mind we want. How often have judgment and condemnation brought you a greater sense of inner peace, of joy or fulfillment, of love or gratitude? If they do not bring us what we want, then what is the point of any longer supporting such a mindset? Today, let us end our support for a mindset that has never had our, nor our brothers and sisters, best interest in mind. Today, when the ego once again demands that we judge or condemn another, let us instead learn to use such a moment as a “call to action,” as a call to practice declining insanity. Let us use such a moment as a call to stop punishing ourselves with our own thoughts. Let us see such a moment as a call to improve our ability to forgive. Today, let us pay our final respect to what we know we no longer need. By doing so, we begin to take, through forgiveness, the first steps on the road to true freedom, peace of mind and joy. Today, let us ask ourselves: “What kind of life would we desire for our children?” Would it not be one where freedom, peace and joy, are their constant companions? If we desire this for our children, and we are all God’s children, would He not desire the same or more for us? Would it not seem wise to start aligning our minds with the Mind of God? Forgiveness, what a small price to pay to be able to align with the Mind of God. Saying “no more” to the suffering and pain that judging ourselves and others brings us, is that such a high price to pay, in order to begin to reflect and represent our Creator, Love here on Earth?

Today, let us listen, pay attention to and implement forgiveness, God’s one request that helps us return from a delusional world back into alignment with our true nature. Today, let us no longer choose to sacrifice our time, energy and relationships to judgment. Today, let us recall that one moment of forgiveness has the power to end a lifetime of suffering and pain. Today, when the ego once again demands that you judge a brother or sister, instead use that moment to trigger in you the need to forgive. By forgiving, you walk through the ego’s fog and return to being One with the light in you. The ego, using judgment as its fuel source, has used it to feed itself and starve you. Yet, do not despair, for God being Love and All, will use all for good, to heal, feed and strengthen, your heart, mind and soul. The more your connection to the truth in you is strengthen, the less power the ego’s lies and false concepts will have over you. Today, take God’s hand and allow Love to lead you through the ego’s fog filled fields. Each step you take is and will help you learn how to navigate through the delusional mindset and false concepts of this world. By doing so you, with such life experience at hand, you will be able to assist many in traversing through these same rough seas. Others will then see that the path that through forgiveness you took is also one they can now travel and take, one that will lead them to their desired destination, the state of peace. Little by little you will then see and realize how every moment is actually here to serve you, so that you can in turn serve this world. The more you see each moment as helpful, the greater your gratitude to God will be, and the more this gratitude will unite you with the Mind of God. The more at One you are with the Mind of God, the easier and more natural and normal it will be for you to share with all others, all of God’s gifts.

Today, let us look deep into the mirror and ask ourselves: “Is forgiveness really such a high price to pay for my freedom, peace of mind and joy? Is forgiveness, really such a high price to pay when it aligns me with the Mind of God? Is forgiveness, really such a high price to pay, when it helps wipes away my tears, suffering, sleepless nights, worries, burdens and pain?” Today, be courageous, become the hero of your own journey, look deep into the mirror, and say to yourself: “Today, I forgive because I am worthy of God’s peace of mind and joy.” But still, do not despair if this is a bridge that you are not yet ready to cross. If you can’t yet forgive, then ask God to forgive them for you. There is a part of you, that even in your darkest moments, is forever One with God. Ask that part of you to ask God to forgive and bless all those who you can not yet forgive and bless. Do so each and every time that you think of them, and sooner or later you will begin to feel and understand the wisdom, of acting in alignment with the Mind of God.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

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Comments (6)

Is there a difference in judging – and assessing in the dream world to determine if, for example, an individual has or had not abused or neglected another – as a part of the job? And if the investigation determines that the behavior has happened, to then make recommendations designed to safeguard the victim and provide the perpetrator an opportunity to change? All with knowing that the perpetrator’ behavior does not qualify as the person who is part of The One and doing the work with underlying love and compassion? I still really struggle with this and feel some guilt about my work.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Thank you Louisa for your comment and question.

It is honorable to defend those that need defending.

Now, it is in reality only you who can decide what you feel about what you are doing. Ask yourself how you feel, and if that feeling is one of peace, joy, of fulfillment, of a passion being realized, then you are doing what you are meant to be doing. If that feeling is one of guilt, sadness, lack of fulfillment, a lack of passion and peace about what you are doing, then you need to consider if what you are doing is right for you.

You could equally do an honorable job, but that job not be the right one for you at that time in your life. A job could for a time be the right thing to do, then later on you are moved to do something else. It is within you, how you feel, where your answer of what to do resides.

Search your feelings, aligned them with the expressions of love, and then move in love’s direction, but also remember, that because you have co-created your journey with God, all your steps along your journey, no matter how much the ego demands you judge yourself and others for, are of a sacred nature, and will be used by God for good, in everyone’s growth, healing and awakening process.

Peace. JBC

You really have a gift of delivery!! Right when I think I’m still “justified” for holding on… you hold up a mirror!!
Fantastic messages that keep guiding me closer to the Truth! Forever Grateful ❤️

Thank you Mary for your kind words and for being open to the message.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC


Thank you Daun for being open to the message.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

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