video of James reading with commentary |
Every moment is an answered prayer, regardless of how conscious you may be of it. You have co-created your journey with God, and God is perfect. So every part of your journey is in some way, shape or form — perfect for you. If every moment is created with your best interests in mind, wouldn’t the appropriate response to every moment be gratitude? If every moment is what you need to help you become who you came here to be, wouldn’t it then be an answered prayer, in one form or another? The ego would insist that there are bad and difficult times, and in the ego’s delusional way of thinking, this may very well be true. But in truth, this is a delusion, a simple misperception of the gifts that present moment is trying to offer you. In reality every moment is being gifted to us to help us reach a deeper sense of self-awareness and a higher level of consciousness. Today, even if you seem to be going through bad and difficult times, do not tilt your head down nor sulk in sorrow. Choose to no longer buy into a way of thinking that only desire to keep you asleep and separate from your sacred mission and nature. Instead, raise your head up high and remember that the best guides out of the ego’s tunnels of darkness are those who have already stumbled their way through it and found their way out. This is a part of your mission on this planet, to serve as a light to those who are still lost in the dark. You have been where they are, and because of this they will be open to listening to what you have to say. In such instances you will be acting as their answered prayer. In doing so, you will get closer to understanding the full circle, the deeper meaning of your journey, the sacred nature of the unique path that you have chosen.
Do not despair. What you are going through, you will get through. God would not offer you anything that you could not handle. When you do, you will become a more compassionate, wiser and brighter light for those who are still struggling in the darkness. Thus, next time you’re experiencing “a bad or difficult time”, please remember the gift that you are being equipped to become. You are, in actuality, being prepared to be the answer to someone’s prayer. Today, focus no longer on the darkness, for that only gives it a power it never truly had. Instead, focus on the light within, and on becoming the expression of love that the moment seems to be requesting. When you meet anyone today, remember you are their prayer being answered, and so too are they an answer to your prayers. For example, if you are still buying into judgment as being a real part of you, you will bring people into your experience that will more clearly help you see that judgment, judging them, and the loving truth in you, do not match. They are presenting themselves to you, so that you can heal. They are showing you that judgment is not the path to peace. The more you judge them, the more you will notice that the further away you are from the state of peace. Yet, it was only because you traveled judgment’s dead end roads over and over again, that you finally got that this is not the path to peace. Thus, what they offered you, was an opportunity to see, that in the darkness you do not belong. Now, every moment and interaction when properly perceived, is understood as a gift from God to you, and a gift that you are being prepared to present to this world. Every moment is here to help you see that the ego’s illusions are false, and that only the loving truth in you is true.
Imagine slowly starting to realize how every moment, and everyone involved in those moments is, in one form or another, helping answer your silent prayers. Would you, once you start to see this, not become grateful to all those involved? The state of gratitude, being one of Love’s numerous expressions, aligns you with the Heavenly state of peace. As you continue to consciously align with this Heavenly mindset, your loving light will shine brighter each day. Would this greater light not begin to help more people find their way back Home, back to understanding the gift that the present moment is forever offering us? What if you tried in every interaction to become the light that the moment and those in it were in their own ways requesting? Would your days and thus life not begin to change from a place of pain to a palace of peace? Would you not start to become a living physical example of what an answered prayer could look like? By being the light in you, would your love and appreciation for others, not glow, grow and flourish? You are really not that far away from a mindset that aligns you with the Mind of God. In fact, that mindset is forever available to us and always just a choice away. Simply begin by choosing to see all people, and because we are all One, yourself, as God’s loving creations. Simply see each person’s journey as an individual and unique sacred co-creation with God. Understanding this, now you know that judging their journeys would be like judging God as wrong. Now you know that you can not obtain peace as long as you are unconsciously judging God as wrong. Today, trust God’s plan instead of your judgments, and by doing so finally find the rest and peace that you as God’s child forever deserve.
Today, let us recall that our journeys are a sacred co-creation with God. Because God is perfect, our journeys are perfect for us. Because our journeys are perfect for us, every step along our path is there to help us reach our destination. Because every step helps us reach our destination, they are of use and thus helpful. Because they are helpful, we offer all our steps and all those involved in them, our gratitude. When we stop judging the moment and instead trust God and offer every moment our gratitude, that we enter the state of peace. It is aligned with the state of peace that our light shines brighter. It is our brighter light that helps more people awaken to the truth in them. By doing so, we become to them, their answer prayers. And we also now know that it is because of our interaction with them, that they became to us, our answered prayers.
I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.
All glory to God.
Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.
James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”
If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.
Please share your thoughts in the comments section below and/or on our social media pages. We also offer condensed versions of the daily inspirational messages. |
I am grateful for this message today. However, I do feel conflicted with politics and how it’s effecting our society. I am angry at the MAGAs for their hate, racism, and fascism and not doing anything about gun control except to pray. Kinda hypocritical to me and I can’t help but not judge. I meditate for gratitude, Love, and hopefully gracing and being graced with our presence. I feel that action needs to take place as well to stop this insanity. Am I still judging? That is my conflict.
Thank you Maureen for being open to the message.
Do whatever brings you peace and you will have peace.
You always want to go within first, align with your peaceful and loving nature and do what it would do. And so you can protest guns, racism, fascism, if that’s what the loving, peaceful truth in you thinks it needs to do.
What you don’t want to do is allow anger to tell you that you need to do. You don’t want to be led or guided by judgment, anger, conflict or chaos.
Simply practice asking yourself: “What would Love think, say and do right now?” Then follow Love’s guidance and lead. Sometimes that will be action, sometimes that will be inaction, but no matter what it is, it will always be rooted in peace, in your true nature, essence and Home.
Peace. JBC
I am grateful to see this piece today. I am that I am. Thank you.
Thank you Adrienne for being open to the message.
You are and will always be the love and light that you Creator created you to be.
Peace. JBC
Wonder-full message. Thank u.
Thank you Louisa.
Peace. JBC