Daily Inspiration: November 26. You Can Feel Alone. You Can’t Be Alone.

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


In the ego’s dualistic world, it is possible to feel alone, yet it is not possible to ever be alone. God is Love and All. Thus to ever be apart from All would be impossible. There is not a situation, person, place or time where God is not. Thanks to free will, you can place your focus on this understanding of Oneness or on the programmed false concept of loneliness. It is the choice that you value most and believe you are worthy of that you will make and experience. As God’s creation, you are an eternal expression and extension of the Divine. The Divine, being All, is all that your truth could ever be. Only your truth could ever be real or true. Your natural state of mind is to be at one with the Divine. If you seem to be thinking out of alignment with the Divine, it is never the truth in you that is doing so.

The truth in you, your true-self, essence and nature, can never think unlike the Divine. Therefore any thoughts you have that do not originate from Love or from its expressions are not truly yours. You might think it is you who are thinking them. Still if it’s not the truth in you thinking them then it is not truly you who are in control. As your ideas can be shared with others, grow and still never leave you, so too is God sharing you with this world. Still, like your ideas, you have in truth never left your Source. God patiently waits for you to return your focus to Him. When you return your focus to the Divine it is then you will truly see, realize and be thankful for the fact that He has never left you, nor you Him. Regardless of the journey you have taken and the dark alleys you may have traveled through God patiently and lovingly waits for you to awaken. Today awaken, feel your eternal connection to your All-Loving Source, and never again feel alone.

Today, let us look within and remind ourselves: “I am God’s child and creation. I am forever One with my All-Loving Source. I am always worthy of His love and companionship.” No one will ever keep you away or make you feel separate from God other than your own belief you are unworthy. Today, use any of Love’s expressions in any moment and you will be immediately united with Him. Allow all your delusions of separation and loneliness to fade away back into the nothingness from which they came. Now consciously feel your connection to the Divine. God wants you to be His light in this world, that is why you are here. He desires you to know Him, Love, so that you may share your knowledge with all His children. He wants you to help His lost children, through their awakening to return Home to Him. God is in every moment and interaction calling on you to offer to others only what Love can. Feeling lost and alone are not punishments. They are simply symbols of one who has forgotten who they truly are. No longer value the delusional world more than your connection to God. As long as you continue to place your time and energy on the contraptions of this world you will feel disconnected from your Source. Nothing in this world can, no matter how shiny, beautiful or bright, it may appear to be, offer you the peace, comfort and joy, that your true Father can. All your suffering and pain, all your tears, heartache and challenging times are all being gifted to you so that you may practice trusting God more. The more you trust God the more natural your connection to Him will feel. This will make you more aware that this feeling of Oneness is always available to you.

All you experience and bring into your life has the goal of helping you recall your true loving essence and nature. Sharing this self-awareness with others helps bring peace to our minds and thus to the world. Today see every moment, person and situation as here to help you. Doing so unites you with the state of gratitude instead of judgment, with God instead of the ego. God is in everyone, every moment and all things, and so God is forever with and within you. Today, allow His Light and wisdom to shine upon you. In this Holy Light stand steady, strong and unafraid. Today, allow compassion, forgiveness, love, charity, joy and peace, all expressions of His Holy Light to radiate from you. Allow God to raise you up from the shadows. Let the Divine embrace you in His hand as a lantern in the dark and lift you up high for all to see. Allow God to share you as an example of the triumph of the soul, of the victory of Oneness over loneliness, and of eternity over death. In duality where their appears to be an opposition to The Light. Darkness and loneliness seem to come, go, and then come again. Today, use this stillness not to despair but to try to reach God. Would it not seem easier to reach God alone in a quiet room then in a noisy crowd? Would it be easier to reach the Divine during the business of the day or in the quiet of the night? When do you seem to reach for God, partying with friends feeling happy and healthy or when by yourself sick in your bed and alone? Do you search when distracted by this world’s delusions or when you are focused inward on your own search for meaning? Can you not see that He along with you have set the stage so you can reach Him? Today, know this truth as true and by doing so recall you are never alone.

Today, if you are feeling alone, know that God has set the stage for you to practice reaching Him. The more you practice, the more natural this behavior will become and the more worthy of God’s presence you will feel. Do not ever think that God has left or quit on you. If you would like to feel God’s presence, you can sit in silence, close your eyes and allow God’s presence to fill you. Visualize yourself within a ball of loving light that surrounds and embraces you. Absorb wave after wave of God’s love and light. Feel this pure Divine Love and Light penetrating your skin, flowing through your muscles and into your heart. Like a thirsty sponge, absorb all the love you are being offered. With every breath, accept God’s love and once filled, begin to overflow. Breath in God’s love, and breath out your gratitude for the Divine. The opportunity to feel God’s presence is forever available to you. Now know that you never again need to be lonely or alone.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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Comments (7)

Very comforting message of truth. But you don’t mention the evil one as a source of loneliness and desirous of separation from God. Why?

This meditation is what I needed this minute, as I set off on a part of my journey that entails being alone for a while. I had thought that I would then have more time to be alone with God, and then I read your piece. It affirmed my own thought. Thank you.

Thank you Lily for being open to the message.

God is forever with and within you.

God is forever within everything, everyone, and all.

See Love in everything, everyone and all, and you are seeing God and viewing this world as it was meant for us to view.

Peace. JBC

Nechama T Nancy Pollak-Kessler

Dear James. I love your posts. They are the only posts I usually read. However I am an Orthodox Jew and would so appreciate it if you keep the posts generic. When you bring in a specific religion I cannot read it. Ty for everything you have helped me with. Ty so much. Peace. NT

Thank you Nechama for your kind words and comment.

I do my best to keep the post as universal as possible, but please, always feel free to change or disregard certain words that might not align with you.

The deeper message is what is truly important, not specific words.

Peace. JBC

I was drawn to read this and it feels very reassuring. Thank

Thank you Claire for being open to the message.

Peace. JBC

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