What Happens As We Awaken? ~ Daily Inspiration Video

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What Happens As We Awaken?

This short inspiring video can be enjoyed all year long. It is also the video of the Daily Inspiration Message for February 5 (condensed version) with James Blanchard Cisneros.

As we awaken, the world we have been programmed to see begins to dissolve. Thanks to forgiveness, mistakes start to vanish back into the nothingness from which they came. Darkness returns to light. The confusion and chaos created by our belief in the ego’s fairy tale is replaced with the clarity, certainty and peace that are reflections of our true nature. We have slept and pressed the snooze button enough times; it is now time to awaken. It is now time to let go of thoughts, words, emotions and beliefs that bind us to the ego’s judgment-centered world. It is time to release and let go of what is no longer serving our growth, healing and awakening process. Today, we let go of who we are not, and become who we were created to be. This inspiring video can be enjoyed all year long. It is also the video for our Daily Inspiration Message of February 5 (condensed version) with James Blanchard Cisneros.

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To read this Daily Inspiration: February 5. What Happens As We Awaken? – Condensed Version, please click here



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