Viewing Our Peers Through the Present Moment

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Viewing Our Peers Through the Present Moment

Video message based on Facebook post of September 2:

We do not judge people when our awareness is fully in the present moment. The genesis of all of the ego’s judgment-centered programs resides somewhere hidden beneath the dark shadows of the past. The present moment, as an expression of the love and light of God, is free from our past judgments and future imaginings. It is within the eternal now where the peace of God forever resides. The state of peace is a sign of one who is fully present within the now. To live fully present within the now, you must be willing to forgive, release your past judgments, and see your brothers and sisters as God created them. Today, forgive the past, place the future fully in God’s hands, and return to the now. When you do this and see everyone as they were created to be, you will experience true peace. continue reading.

- James Blanchard Cisneros


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