Daily Inspiration: January 30. Where Does the Healing of this Planet Begin?

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


Today, let us prepare ourself to help heal the world by first looking within, and healing the injured thoughts in us. It is our healed or unhealed thoughts that bring us, and thus this world, peace or pain. It is this peace or pain that we either extend or project out to the world we see. If the peace or pain we offer this world first begins as a thought within our mind, then it is within where our healing should begin. As we heal our unhealed thoughts, because we are all connected, we will help bring greater amounts of peace and understanding to those around us. Let us no longer allow our injured thoughts to sit within us unchallenged, to fester, infect, weaken and sicken us. We will know when they are sickening us, because we will project our pain onto others. We will place our focus on blaming them, instead of healing ourselves. Today, let us courageously take the time to look within, and shine a light into those dark crevasses of our own minds, where the ego still rules as king. We can recognize when we entering a dark crevasse, because it is there where we support unloving judgment-centered thoughts about ourselves or others as true. What you will be doing today is bringing light into the darkness. Unloving thoughts, such as those that try to separate you from your peace of mind and joy, are all places within your heart and mind that you have come into this planet to bring light to, to help heal and awaken. Let us begin to look within, into those areas of our hearts, minds and lives, that are  separating us from the world that we desire to create, experience and have our children inherit. Today, let us honestly look within and ask ourselves: “Do I truly want a more loving, peaceful and joyful world? If so, then let such a world, now, begin within me.”

Do we truly want a world where there is less judgment, anger and pain? If so, let us be courageous enough to go within those areas of our own hearts and minds where we are still supporting with our time, focus and energy, judgment, anger and pain, as solutions to our confusion. We can not solve the problem from the level of thinking that created the problem. Today, let us raise ourselves above judgment, anger and our inner pain, and decline to support them any longer. Then seeing from above, let us look for a more gentle, compassionate and loving path. Let us now react with the energetic expressions that will lead us to the world we want. Let us remember, that when we are seeing others through judgment, anger and pain, that is it through our own hearts and minds that we are doing so. It is our own thoughts, and our focus on those thoughts, that are continuing to feed and fuel our judgment, anger and pain. Yet, let us not despair, for in every single moment, the gift of free will resides. We can in any moment, choose once again, and make a better more loving and gentle choice. We can now choose to focus on and bring only light into our minds. Yes, in this world of duality, we have the right to block this light, or allow it to come in. One choice will feed and fuel our pain, and the other will align us with the peace and joy of God. Forgiveness is one such thought of light, that helps disperse and dissolve our darkness, our judgment, anger and pain. Today, let us practice shining the light of forgiveness unto our judgments, anger and pain, over and over again, until we begin to see, feel and understand, the wisdom of our efforts. When we decide to heal, there will be many who will volunteer to help us practice forgiveness. Be grateful for their participation, not judgmental or angry. All they are in truth doing, is helping us heal, and by doing so, helping this planet awaken.

Today, with humility, let us recall that it is us that this world has been waiting for. It is within us where the healing of this planet begins. It is only what is within us that we will see projected unto the world. When our minds are healed, the picture that we see outside of us also begins to heal. Imagine the blessing that the healed mind can begin to offer this planet and its inhabitants. Imagine the healed mind, a place where forgiveness, compassion, kindness, love, peace and joy, reign supreme. Imagine the healed mind extending and showering these wonderful blessings, thoughts, energies and emotions onto everyone and all. This is what we are working towards today. We want to begin to actually see and experience everyone and everything on this planet exactly as God created them. Seeing through Love’s forgiving lens, we are now free from judgment. You, my dear friend, are indeed a blessing to this world. I recognize this of you, because being all One, I recognize this in myself, and because I know it of me, I know it of you. Today, let us together, above all else, choose only to focus on and support, the healed thoughts in us as true. Knowing that God is Love and All, let us practice seeing only the love in all as true. The light filled thoughts that we now chose to view this world through, will begin to brighten our experience. Thanks to free will, you can choose to see and experience this world through God’s eyes, where love, compassion and peace, reign supreme, or through the ego’s lens, where judgment, anger and pain, blur, darken and pollute, your experience. We will always make the choice that we value most and believe we need to experience in order to grow, heal and awaken. Today, recall you are God’s child and creation, forever worthy of experiencing this world through The Divine lens of Love.  

Today, let us remember that it is our thoughts that color the world we see. If we are seeing a dark and unhealed world, let us no longer blame the effect, the world. Instead, let us go within and look for the cause, our own thoughts, and where they are out of alignment with our All-Loving God. It is in alignment with God, through Love’s lens, that we are meant to see and experience this world. It is when our thoughts are aligned with God’s Light — that we can truly see. Aligned with the mind of God, we overlook the false and see the truth. The truth is that God is Love and All. So when we are not seeing others through Love’s lens, it is our thoughts that need healing, not them. Today, let us take personal responsibility for our thoughts until the Love of God in All is all we see.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video of James reading this post and sharing his comments about it.

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We also offer condensed versions of the daily inspirational messages.


Daily Inspirational Messages with James Blanchard Cisneros

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Comments (8)

I shared this on my facebook feed today. It states clearly and beautifully what has come into my awareness this last day or so. I see that as we love and claim the divine truth of ourselves, we love and claim within and for the one. Anyway, I get what you are saying and that is good.

Thank you Lynda for being open to the message and for sharing it. Peace. JBC

It all starts within. Know u not that the Kingdom of God is within you.

Thank you Hj for being a member of our community. Peace. JBC

When I wake, I can chose to bring in more of this awareness on every breath. Looking for opportunities to love, forgive, offering this outward as well. My thoughts, miraculously, can serve whatever intention I hold. Because I am distractible and human, I have many reactions and thoughts that are “interesting,”and often need more healing. And if I spend the time to do this a deeper connected love unfolds. There are so many new thoughts possible in a peaceful state. I am always practicing. Growing everso slowly in my freedom. I thank you for supporting others by putting your words out there. That I have access, in snowy Pennsylvania, to read your thoughts and words from Miami never ceases to amaze and delight me!

Thank you Jen for your comment and for being open to the message. Yes, it is cool and lovely to see how this message can reach people from around the world. Peace. JBC

Amen!!! Wonderful words !!!!

Thank you Jyoti for being a part of our community. Peace. JBC

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