Daily Inspiration: July 16. Achieving the State of Peace by Seeing the Face of Divinity in All

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


Today, when the ego’s programs demand that we judge another, let us recall that we have traveled this road a thousand times before. Let us now use such a request, not to see the face of guilt, but instead to see the face of Divinity on all. The symbol of the face of Divinity can come in many different forms. Simply choose the one that you are most familiar or comfortable with. It could be seeing the face of Christ, Buddha or Krishna, on all those who the ego demands you judge. If you feel uncomfortable focusing on the face of Divinity, then maybe focus on seeing the face of someone who you very highly respect on others. It could be someone like Dr. King, Gandhi or Mother Teresa. See their face on all those that the ego would have you judge. Simply practice changing the face of guilt, for the face of Divinity, and feel the ego’s judgments begin to dissolve before your light and understanding. By doing so, you set aside the need for judgment and in its place peace arises. You will find that the less need you have to judge another, the less use you will have for the ego’s tools and mindset. Still, if you find yourself once again falling back into the ego’s trap, and judge self or others, now consciously choose to stop that cycle. Then let that situation signal to you, that it is now time to focus on the face of Divinity. Being all One, when we bless or are charitable towards another, we too feel blessed and at peace. Equally so, when we judge another, it is we who end up carrying and holding unto judgment’s burdensome weight. Today, let us become aware that this is what our brothers and sisters are offering us, the opportunities to release our judgments and thus once again become beacons of peace. Just by choosing to see the face of Divinity on them, this helps us let go of our programming and return to being One with and representing our all loving Source. That is all we need to do today to be at peace, simply to see others as they truly are.

When you judge another, you unconsciously create a feeling of separation from Divinity, Oneness, God, Love. When you unconsciously separate from your Source, you will feel unsafe, unstable and insecure. In such a state of mind you will believe that you have to defend yourself against a hostile world. Peace of mind cannot be found when you are always in an unconscious state of defense. Now imagine, no longer having to defend yourself against the world. Now imagine, no longer having to carry judgment’s heavy burdens. Now imagine, no longer tossing and turning at night because you defended and chose to value the ego’s judgments more than God’s peace. Carry the weight of this world no longer. That cross has already been overcome. Now, simply choose to see the face of Divinity on all those the ego would have you judge. Do so, and begin to experience the true peace that is your inheritance. Have you not yet tired of walking barefooted on the ego’s judgment-centered jaded rock-filled path? Are you not sick of poisoning yourself with your own thoughts and words? How could you not see a poisoned world, when you are thinking of it through a mind that has been poisoned by the ego’s past programs? How could you, as a part of the Whole, achieve the state of peace when you deny peace to so many? Being all One, you can not deny something to parts of yourself, and still fully experience it. To fully experience it, simply offer it to all others. God has never denied you anything that is truly real. Would it not seem wise to follow His lead and only offer what is real, love, to others. You as Love’s creation are forever worthy of peace, and we are all One, all forever worthy. No longer withhold from others what you would like to experience yourself. Today, offer peace, even and especially to those who the ego says do not deserve it. Do so, and then even those places within you that still feel unworthy of peace will now bow down and yield to your light and understanding.  

Today, it is by deciding to look upon the face of Divinity on everyone, when the ego is demanding judgment, that foes become friends. It is when we begin to recognize the sameness in each other, that we return to our natural state, the state of peace. You, your brothers and sisters, are all God’s creations, all One, all worthy of peace. It is when you see God’s creations only as God’s creations, that the state of peace will fully embrace you. The more of your day is spent aligning with your loving Source, the more your circle of peace will expand.  This is what your brothers and sisters, in every moment offer you, the opportunities to see and focus on their divinity, and by doing so, expand your circle of peace. They are, through their presence in your life, allowing you the opportunities to recognize and reinforce your own divinity. God’s children, all of them, are forever worthy of His inheritance, of His love, peace and understanding. Today, allow all others their inheritance, and you will have all that your heart, mind and soul, desired. You have come far my friend, and every single person you have ever met or thought of, has help you get to where you are now. Know, that every single person you meet till your return Home, will equally come into your presence, to help awaken you to your true nature. Remember this, and silently bow down in honor to everyone you meet. They are who you have been waiting for, and you are who they having been waiting for. They may yet not recall this truth, and so today, through your own loving example, calmly and gently, help them begin to remember.

Today, let us practice seeing behind the ego’s veil. Today, no matter how we have been programmed to see the person in front of us, let us look upon them as if we were seeing and talking to the Divine, to God. We are all One. By seeing only the Divine in all, we will train ourselves to see every part of us, even those parts of us the ego demands we judge, as innocent. When you see everyone as Divine, as innocent, the state of peace will accompany you wherever you go. The more you practice seeing in this manner, the more natural this behavior will become, until one day it will be all you see. You have been programmed by the ego to believe a thousand different stories of who people are, but what peace of mind or joy have these fantasies ever brought you? Today, recall that you are a child no longer, and close the book on all judgment centered fairy tales. Now, see only the Divine in others as true, and by doing so, return to the state of peace. 

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Comments (15)

Dear James,
There is nothing else left to say…🤗🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

Thank you Satwant for your love.

I love you too.

May we, in each interaction we have with others, represent Light and Love on Earth. By doing so, let us together help lead others back to the light and love in them.

Peace. JBC

Thank you James for your faithfulness in sending out the Daily Inspirations. I always get what I need at the time. I am also thankful that you answer everyone who shares their thoughts-someone usually asks something I have been thinking and I learn so much from your responses as well.

Thank you Mary for your kind words and for being open to the message.

Remember when you meet anyone, it is a Holy encounter, a personal statement from God to you, that He has faith in you, and that He trust you with His child.

You are forever worthy of God’s trust, because you are His perfect and loving creation.

God does not doubt you nor your ability to love all His children.

If God does not doubt you, be sure never to doubt yourself.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

Thank you, James, for a very practical way to see God in others–simply see the face of Jesus. Wow! I feel better already. I knew that each person was a part of God, but actually seeing Jesus is so powerful. Your words in your book and in your Daily Inspirations are so precious. Thank you for being the messenger. I am forever grateful. Love, Carolyn

Thank you Carolyn for being open to the message and for being a member of our community.

Yes, seeing the face of Jesus on everyone, especially those the ego would have you judge, is quite life changing. This is something that I myself still find very useful.

May you be able to share your peace and understanding with all those that God sends your way.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

Thank you for your answer. It did help.

Dear James,
Thank you for your awesome book!
I am still confused. We are God’s creations. We have planned our life with God. But what about a murderer, rapist, terrorist. Have they planned with God to live like that?

Thank you Pia for your kind words and question.

The question you ask can have multilayered and different answers to each individual’s situation. But allow me to answer in this short version to a very complex question in order to bring some clarity.

God is Love and All, and we have all co-created our journeys with God.

Now, one of the main laws of this universe, that God ‘Himself’ would not break, is that of free will, that of experiencing our journeys in the way that we so choose to.

When we are creating through Love, we are at peace in that state, because we are in essence experiencing the journey that we have co-created with God.

When we are creating through fear, we experience a lack of peace, because we have, through free will, chosen to deviate from the path that we had created with God.

Regardless what our creation is, God being Love and All, can and will use all, all our creations, in the end for good, to help us and this world awaken.

Hope that helps a bit.

Peace. JBC

Peace, love, respect..James.so is this it: when a ‘conflict’ arises its a result of the ego. I therefore now have the CHOICE to feed the ego according to how I react/respond OR allow the Divine within to respond. The ego response will always be judgmental, etc and the Divine will always be peace, patience etc. OK. eg. I am applying for something, the clerk gives me wrong info., I get the run around, poor customer service etc…the moment I begin to feel upset, frustrated, bellowing expletives etc. that’s the ego…if I respond calm, peaceful, patient, understanding then that’s the Divine in control….the feeling of having to prove your point or defend yourself or act as if you should be treated better, all these are ego rooted. if I am in a bank line, someone skips the line in front of me as if they didn’t see I was there just bless them from within and let it be. No need to say a thing then. Just leave the situation as is, move on without a conflict or words. I get it , its just that the ego makes you feel like you have to say something and if you don’t it makes you feel like a wuss. GOT IT! I am gonna so be aware now of the ego and the Divine forces working through me and allow the Divine to shine…too long I have allow the ego to rise up but then I didn’t understand fully the ego…at one poi t I use to think the ego was ME..Now I understand !

Thank you Michele for your comment.

You have a good grasp of both forces.

Choosing with the Divine, through forgiveness, will bring you peace of mind and joy.

Choosing with the ego, through judgment, will bring you conflict and confusion.

The ego is a very limited false belief system within your mind that has programmed you to believe that it is you. The less you, through judgment of self and others, fuel the ego, the smaller it will become, until some day it dissolves before your light and understanding, the Grace of God in you.

Simply do what brings you peace and you will have peace. And if you do not do what brings you peace, simply acknowledge that you did not choose peace, forgive yourself and others, and then choose once again.

Peace. JBC

Thank you. Your writings truly help me to come back to myself. My mom always said god or the “god” or your choosing, is within all of us. Standing in a place on non judgement is so freeing and knowing that even those who have crossed our path that we believe have done us wrong, were there to help us grow. Once our ego comes out of the situation things become so clear. Still such a work in progress.

Thank you Nancy for your comment and for being open to the message.

Non-judgment indeed frees us from the chains and burdens of this world.

You are God’s perfect creation, all you are doing now is remembering who you truly are.

Peace. JBC

Another powerful reminder. I shall start today to see the Divine and I pray it will give me inner peace and bring me closer to God and his Love.

Thank you Ione for your comment.

We are all One. The more you practice seeing the Divine in others, the more you will accept this loving truth about yourself.

Peace. JBC

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