Daily Inspiration: July 27. Ending Our Support for Judgment and Self-Judgment

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


A large part of what we consider to be ‘our’ belief system, is not actually ours. It is simply past programs of false concepts that we have accepted as real. We were simply taught by those who were taught from a faulty foundation. Thus, many of the foundational principles that we hold as true, are built on sand, not rock, and thus why we feel so off balanced, confused and conflicted in this world. When we react with judgment, frustration, anger, resentment and hate, to God’s creations, these are all signs that show us that we have learned the false as true. Due of our programming, the reactionary behaviors that come from these false concepts have become a sort of first responder for us. The main programmer that tries to teach the false as true is the ego. If in any situation we are being anything other than loving, then Love’s creations, this occurs because the ego is thinking for us, and thus in essence living our life for us. The ego primary response is judgment. Judgment is the ego’s main fuel source. Judgment is the ego’s goal. The ego uses judgment to separate us from each other and God, so that it can have us all to itself. Still, thankfully we have already played this game many times before and have found it lacking, never providing to us the peace of mind and joy we want. Thanks to the work that we have put in, we can now see that when we react with judgment and self-judgment, what we are actually doing is feeding the ego and starving ourselves. Understanding this, there is now no longer a need to support a mindset that does not support us. Today, when we find ourselves, through judgment, feeding the ego and starving ourselves, let’s remind ourselves: “This is not my truest-self reacting. This is my programmed-self. It is not I who is currently in control of my thinking. It is I who should be in control of my thoughts and reactions, not the ego. Now, I choose to take back control of my thinking and by doing so stop judging myself and others. Now, back in control of my thinking, aligned only with the truth in me, I am and support only the love that I was created to be.”

As we continue to awaken and deprogram ourselves, we will become more aware of the tools the ego uses to fuel itself and starve us. Anything that it uses to fuel itself in essence tries to separate us from our loving nature. Judging self and others, anger, resentment, jealousy, hate, stress, anxiousness and revenge, are all tools the ego uses to try to hide our loving nature. If we find ourselves in alignment with any of these states of mind do not despair, for sooner or later we will start to notice how unlike the ego and its tools are to the truth in us. Yes, many times, due to our past programming, we will be fooled into thinking that the ego tools are a natural and real part of us, but this is never so. This are all simply signs of unawareness, of a mind that is asleep to its true nature. There is never a need to judge nor condemn those sleeping part of ourselves as guilty, for all that we are simply doing is dreaming of the false as true. Yet rejoice, for if you are reading this, then it is now time to begin to gently ask those sleeping parts in us to awaken. As those sleeping parts in us begin to awaken we will start to see how treating others through the ego’s tools also and equally punishes and hurts us. The ego knows that its survival depends on at least parts of us remaining asleep. Knowing this, today let us be vigilant to the ego’s continuous demands for judgment. When judgment begins to enter your mind, now stop it on its tracks. Decline its entrance into your kingdom. Then align with your loving nature and be and share only that. As you awaken you will begin to notice that the ego’s desires are also its demise. For the more we do what it says, the quicker we tried and get sick of its results. It is by noticing this, and questioning it’s so-called advice, that we begin to dismiss it and in doing so awaken ourselves.

Today, when we are judging self or others, let us question ‘our’ beliefs. As we question ourselves, let us also not judge ourselves as guilty, bad, not smart or wise, kind, spiritual or worthy enough. For those are just tricks of the ego. Since the ego’s fuel is judgment, it would like us to judge ourselves for being judgmental. Let us simply recall that when we respond using the ego’s tools, it is not our truest-self doing so. Using the ego’s tools is simply a sign of one who remains asleep to his or her true nature. Let us now take note that when ‘our’ programmed or sleeping-self is acting and reacting for us, that it is also living our lives for us. It is natural to feel unfulfilled when someone else, in this case the ego, is living our lives for us. If our awaken or true-self is not in control, then we are not doing what we have come here to do. It is when the truth in us is not in control of our minds that the states of confusion, conflict, sadness, anger, resentment, hopelessness and depression, seem to rule over us. Yet, do not despair, for we always have available to us the gift of free will. In any moment we can use the gift of free will in order to begin anew. We can in any moment choose to take back control of our minds by aligning them to Love and thus respond to others in a compassionate, healing and nurturing way. Today, let us practice recalling, that in any moment, we can override our programming. We can in any moment loosen the ego’s grip and awaken from its judgment centered dream. The sooner we learn to catch ourselves dreaming, the quicker we can forgive our misperceptions, and leave our delusions behind. Then awaken, we can once again begin to represent the non-judgmental, kind and loving being that in truth we are and were created to be. 

Today, let us recall that when “we” are judging self or others, that it is not the truth in us doing so. Judgment is a sign that our programmed or ego-self is in control of our thinking. If the ego is in control of our thinking then it is in control of our mind and life. As long as we allow the ego to think for us, our true self will remain asleep. How many more judgment centered nightmares must we experience before we realize that the ego’s way of thinking is not working for us? How much longer must we travel down the same dead-end roads of frustration, anxiousness, anger, resentment and hate, before we realize that none of these behaviors represent the truth in us? We indeed have a high tolerance for pain, but this pain tolerance is not without limit. If we are reading this, then it is now the time to break free from the ego’s judgment and fear based mindset and become the non-judgmental and loving beings that we in truth are and were create to be.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Comments (6)

Thank you.I love you too.May your day be peaceful loving and joyful.
The only true feelings of deep peace love andhappiness I. get arewhen Ithink ofGod.Its still thrilling toknow God is with me.I see other peoplewhom dont wantto think about God and I wanttoshare God.But I know I am no better than anyone else and God knows what Hes doing. Therearetimeswhen I think ok now this time I shouldnt let this person treat me this way and act likea child.I threw a tantrum just last week at work.I hurt myself becsuseI I threw something and it hit my foot and I screamed F— right at work. I was
disappointed in myself.The next morning I did the work and let it
go.Its afine line when we’re being treated badly at work.I finally talked to the person and asked him to at least say please when he’s ordering me around like a puppet.I explained I only do whatever he says because I choose to not because Im his puppet and he started saying could you wouldyou or please.It was to the point where I couldnt stand it anymore. My nature is that which I like everyone and Im easily influenced by their take on life.It seems to make me conflicted. I love everyone yet I dont always communicate to keep peace with people. I will do this today and thank you.
Work and home are both great classrooms.Also my family.I have been judged and cut out of the life of many family members. 15 years now. My sisters my nieces a nephew my 2 daughters.I have 2 daughters whom do talk to me and a son.One son missing. I know I have set up my life and cant understand why I brought this on myself.The only thong I know is they told me I married a bad man and they were right Ive had a very difficult life with him.and they dont want to witness the drama.I also suspect its about money after my Dad passed away.Long story but I suspect they think I did something that I didnt do.They won’t talk to me so I cant ask.I remeber my sister warning me 40 yrs ago she could cut me out of her life.
So I spend a lot of time not judging them and its occasionally wearing when the ego kicks in.I love and miss them all.
I am thankful for God Jesus The Holy Spirit and the kind people I meet.

Thank you Donna for your comment and story and for being a member of our community.

Every day gives us the opportunity to begin anew.

In fact every moment of every day offers us this opportunity, to forgive, let go of our judgments of self or others, and find peace.

Peace is your true nature, thus when not at peace ask God to intervene. He will then ask you to hand over all your judgments, pain, suffering and sorrow, because He has already overcome the cross. He has overcome the illusions of this world and now only sees the truth in others as true. He only see the love in others as true.

For just one day, try it His way instead of this world’s way. Look upon everyone you see with love, forgive everyone their trespasses, when judgments, pain, suffering or sorrow tries to enter your mind, give them all to God, and feel Him taking their burden and weight off your mind and shoulders.

You are God’s daughter, His creation, His child, and there is nothing you could ever think, say or do to change God’s mind about you, about His perfect child.

God Loves you now and forever because God is Love. Remember this throughout your day, and before every encounter make the conscious choice to join God’s mind, to be only love, to offer only love. Do so and you will be literally walking hand in hand with God, with your true Father.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

This is an awesome writing. I have often thought about this during my life, however, I never put it into writing. This is absolutely the best teaching I have ever read. I have forwarded this to my family & friends and I hope & pray that they will take the time to read this.

Thank you & God bless you, Frank Neilly

Thank you Frank for your very kind words and for being open to the message.

No matter who else reads or accepts this message, always simply focus on and be the light that you are and were created to be. Do so and peace will shine from you. Do so and others will be at peace in your presence. Do so and then others will desire to understand your peaceful and loving nature.

You are now, forever have been, and will forever be, the love that God created, His loving thought on Earth. There is nothing more that we need to add to nor subtract from ourselves, to be eternally Loved by God. And so let us very simply, consciously choose to love all others, including ourselves, as God Loves us.

That is all we need ever in truth do.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

In my 12 step work I have discovered that I am vindicative . ..this is not a good thing but it is a good thing to talk about it and work it out. That is what we mean by bringing things to the light and anytime we bring things to the light the have a chance to be healed and that’s a good thing. Being love is the goal and the answer .

Nancy, being love is indeed always the goal and answer.

Anytime darkness comes calling, simply see it for what it is, a lost part of yourself calling out for help and healing. Bring that dark thought to the surface so that the light of true understanding may shine on it. Then forgive it, handed it over to God, and feel and visualize it dissolving in His loving light.

Once that dark thought has been handed over to God, align with the Mind of God, and choose only loving thoughts to lead the way. If the ego would have had you condemn, forgive instead. If the ego demanded anger, choose compassion and peace instead. If the ego wants you to worry, make it a point to trust God more.

Every moment invites you to begin anew. Today, aligned with the Mind of God, with His love, mercy and grace, begin anew and choose once again.

Peace. JBC

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