Daily Inspiration: May 14. Taking Greater Personal Responsibility for the Thoughts We Think

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


Today, let us make a concerted effort and practice to take greater personal responsibility for the thoughts we think. As we do so we will begin to take greater responsibility for the life we live. When you think a thought, it is only you who are thinking it. It is only you who can through your focus on it, increase this thought, or through your choice not to focus on it, decrease it. If you increase your focus on a thought, it becomes a bigger part of your day. If you continue to think that thought, then it becomes a bigger part of your life. If you decrease the amount of time that you place on a thought, that thought becomes a smaller part of your day. If you continue to decrease thinking that thought, then it begins to become a smaller part of your life. Every emotion we experience, and the intensity of that emotion, both good and bad, is simply a result of how much time, focus and energy, we place on it. You control your participation in your experience through the thoughts  you think. Your experience is thus not a function of what is occurring ‘out there’ in the world, but of what thoughts you focus on and are choosing to define and view this world through. By understanding this, you can begin to see how much actual control you have over how you participate in and experience this planet. Once you see that it is you, who through the thoughts you think, that are shaping your experience, you will stop judging others for how you feel. Reducing your judgments of others, will decrease your level of pain and increase your level of peace. In doing so you will also decrease the sense of feeling like a victim, and increase your sense of feeling personal responsibility and empowerment. Today, shift your focus, from trying to physically change the world, to changing your mind about the world. As you do so you will begin to take more seriously the thoughts that you are allowing to enter and live within your mind.

The ego’s thought system is fueled by judgment. In order to fuel it, we have been programmed by it to judge anyone who does not think, feel, look or act, like us. When we are fueling the ego, judgment, anger, resentment and a loss of peace result. Today, let us no longer judge ourselves for fueling the ego, for that thinking only increases the ego participation in our lives. Instead, let us use this time to notice that the ego’s judgments and our true desires, are not aligned. If our desires are not aligned, then why should we continue to support the ego’s thoughts and mindset?  Let us ask ourselves, if we do not desire to fill our time and life with the ego’s judgmental mindset, what else can we focus our time and energy on? If the thoughts of judgment do not lead us to where we desire to go, let us choose its opposite, forgiveness, and see if that gets us closer to our desired destination. Being that we are Love’s creations, our true desire is to be and share, in every moment and interaction, the light and love that we are. To do so we need  to practice undoing the ego’s programming by consciously choosing to only support, through our focus, loving thoughts. Forgiveness, as one of Love’s many expressions, leads us in the direction of what in truth we desire to become, experience and share. Thus, it would make sense for us to practice supporting thoughts, such as those of forgiveness, that support and align us with the energy of Love. Today, let us notice how the world we experience outside of us begins to shift and change when we go from supporting judgmental thoughts to supporting forgiving thoughts. Notice, how much more peace you bring into your experience and relationships, by simply shifting your focus, from judgment to forgiveness.

Today, in order to practice taking greater personal responsibility for the thoughts we think, let us consider focusing on six ideas:

1 – Let us no longer continue to judge ourselves when we find ourselves fueling the ego’s judgment-centered mindset. We have been, since a very early age trained by the ego, so it is not unusual for the ego to many times be our first response.

2 – Let us instead use the time that we once sacrificed to judgment to better understand that it is because of the thoughts we think, that we are where we are. Then let us then practice more quickly catching ourselves when we are thinking thoughts the take us away from our desired destination, the state of peace.

3 – Let us practice consciously shifting our focus from judgmental thoughts to forgiving thoughts. The more we make this effort, the more we will see how much actual control we have over the life that we are living.

4 – Let us note that the quicker we catch ourselves being in a judgmental state, the quicker we can instead forgive, the less time we spend in supporting the ego’s thoughts and mindset. The less time we spend supporting the ego, the smaller part of our experience it becomes, and thus the more peace we will get to experience.

5 – Let us recall that it is we who have final say over the thoughts we think. Because of this, it is also we who are responsible for our experience on this planet. It is us who are ultimately responsible for our level of peace or pain.

6 – Let offer gratitude, not judgment, to all those who were a part of a process that helped us practice taking greater responsibility for the thoughts we think, and thus for the life we live.

Today, let us note that the thoughts we think color the world we see. If we desire to change the world we see, then we must first change the thoughts that we focus on and support. The thoughts we support with our time, focus and energy end up shaping and defining the life we live. Understanding this, let us no longer blame others for our experiences. Instead, let us take greater personal responsibility for healing our own mind, and by doing so, heal how we see and experience this world. Let us be grateful that, thanks to free will, we have the final say over the thoughts we support, and thus over the life we live. Let us be grateful that the amount of pain or peace we experience — that we once blamed others and this world for — is now our responsibility and is under our jurisdiction.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Comments (2)

I really enjoy the article.

Thank you Antonisha for being open to the message.

Peace. JBC

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