Daily Inspiration: October 12. Freeing The Present From The Past And Future

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


The ego has trained us to believe that being judgmental, anxious and fearful  are natural and normal responses, expressions and behaviors. What the ego does not tell us is that what it has actually trained us to do is to extend these past learned behaviors or programs into the present. When we behave in this manner the ego is making us think we’re experiencing the present when in actuality we are reliving the past. In essence, we are extending the past into the present. When we extend the past into the present, we live it over and over again. Then we wonder why we keep repeating unhealthy patterns that don’t serve us. When we create a present like our past, we never truly get to experience what is really going on. To truly experience the now as it was meant to be, we must first free it from our past programming and future imagination. The present moment is an eternal gift from God to us. There is nothing real within the now that does not in some way, shape or form represent God. Only the Love of God, in its numerous forms, exists within the now, because only the Love of God is truly real. Love is the main energy and expression of God. When awake the present moment is experienced as a reflection of this truth. Today, when we are experience judgment, anger, anxiousness or fear let us recall that we are covering the now with the past. Then let us use this understanding to help us see that this behavior is not producing the life we want. Now, let us use the ego’s tools, but not to separate us from each other, but instead to trigger in us the desire to unite with our Source, and express our loving nature. The more we override the ego’s programs, the more in control of our minds and lives we will be. When the ego tools and there attachments to the past and future are let go all that remains within the now is the presence of God.

Judgment of self and others, anxiety, fear and anger, are all signs that we are stuck in the past or fretting about the future. These energetic, emotional and physical expressions are all here to show us we are somewhere within our hearts and minds where we do not belong. For this greater self-awareness let us offer them our gratitude. These experiences are not here to punish us for being bad or to put us down for not being perfect. They are here simply to show us we are dreaming and thus asleep to our true loving nature. Today, let us stop playing the ego silly little judgment centered games and put ourselves or others down for being asleep. Let us simply learn to use such moment to help us recognize that we are sleeping and then choose to awaken from our sleep. Free will invites us to awaken as gently as we choose to. Our awakening is not a rat race. Today, let us choose not to become judgmental, anxious, fearful or angry about our awakening process and pace. Being Perfection’s creations, we will always awaken at our own perfect and sacred time and place. We will know when we have awaken because we will no longer have a need to judge those who sleep. Only those who sleep will in their dreams desire to judge themselves, others or you. You, as God’s, Love’s creation, cannot be anything other than Love. Love does not judge, it only loves. When awake you will realize that judging yourself or others is not necessary, for if God judges no one then why would you? Seeing others, both those who are asleep or awake as only Love is a symbol of one who has awaken to the perfect nature of the now. Awaken, and when you do you will begin to see everything as it truly is and everyone as they were created to be.

Today, choose not to continue to feed the ego’s mindset by judging the past or fret about the future. Instead, learn to see such moments as a call from the Universe asking us to return to the now. Let us practice using two of Love’s most useful tools to help release us from the past and set the future free. These two tools are forgiveness and a trust in God. As we use forgiveness and trust we will begin to see the ego’s mindset dissolve before our light and understanding. Anytime that you bring Light into the darkness, darkness dissipates. Just as light makes darkness disappear, so too will returning to the now make the past and future go. When the blocks to the awareness of the present moment are gone what is left is the peace and joy of God. All judgments, anxiety, fear and anger will be gone once the past is forgiven and the future is placed fully in God’s hands. Forgiveness and trusting God remind us we have co-created our journey with Perfection. Knowing this we recall that everything is as it should be. Forgiveness and trusting God remind us that every interaction is here to serve a greater good. That each moment is here to help us reach a higher level of consciousness. Let us now recall that every step along our path is used by Love for our good, growth, healing and awakening. When we understand this what other than peace of mind, joy and gratitude could we experience? Peace of mind, joy, gratitude, forgiveness and trust are all expressions of the Love that created us. We are what God is. Knowing this today let us forgive the past, place the future fully in God’s hands and return our full focus to the now. It is by doing so that we become the loving light that God created us to be.

Today, let us practice returning to the now by doing the following five things: First, let us no longer judge ourselves for the way we grow.  Second, let us recall that we have co-created our journey with Perfection, thus every moment is here to serve our growth, healing and awakening process. Third, let us use two tools offered to us by God to help let the past and future go. One is forgiveness, forgive the past. The other is trust, place the future fully in God’s hands. Fourth, be grateful, not judgmental of everyone that is involved  in your awakening process. They are helping you, through forgiveness and trust, practice aligning with the mind of God. Fifth, understand that the more you practice aligning with the mind of God, the more worthy you will find that you are of the present moment, of His eternal gift to you.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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Comments (2)

Hello, my name is Laurie. I’ve read your Inspirations for a year or so. I love them & try to use them as tools in my own life. I am very grateful for my weekly inspirations. Today I read this to my 22 year old son & had a great discussion about it. We both agreed with you. Thank you & God bless you.

Thank you Laurie for your kind words and for being a member of our community.

It is my honor that you are open to these messages.

May you continue to be a bright light for your son and for this world.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

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