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Six Steps to Help Us Reduce Self-Judgment
Video message based on the Inspirational Daily post of December 3:
Today when the ego insists on self-judgment, we instead remember this one thing: that we are our Creator’s creation. The eternal in us cannot be threatened by the illusionary self-judgment games that the ego plays in time. For as time is but a momentary blink of eternity’s eyes, so too are self-judgments but hopeless tiny lonely shadows that cower before the eternal shinning light in us. Today we become examples of our Source instead of our shadows. We forgive ourselves our illusions as Source has already forgiven ours. Today we remember that the more we focus on and defend our illusions, our self-judgments, the more real we make them, and so we do not defend ourselves, not because we are not worth defending, but because there is truly nothing to defend. Today we return to our eternal essence by letting go the temporal programmed shadow self, and choosing to see ourselves as God’s eternal creation, who in truth we are, have always been and will always be. …continue reading.
- James Blanchard Cisneros
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