Daily Inspiration: May 4. A Daily Self-Forgiveness Practice

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


When you are focusing on the separateness of our bodies instead of the sameness in our souls, know that you are buying into the ego’s mindset as true. We are all One, and yet the ego has programmed us to believe and support the false concepts that we are separate from each other. It does this because judgment is the ego’s main fuel source, thus if it can make you believe that you can judge another without hurting yourself, then it wins. The ego wins, because as you judge yourself or another, you fuel the ego. The ego knows that if you believe that judging another won’t in any way hurt you, then you’ll be more inclined and open to judge. The ego tires to consciously convince you that it is appropriate, normal and natural, to judge others. Yet, being that we are all One, by doing so it is also unconsciously training you that it is appropriate, normal and natural, for everyone else, including yourself, to judge you. Unconsciously thinking that it is right and normal for the whole world to judge you, only heightens your level of defensiveness. This in turn increases the number of judgments that you make in order to ‘protect’ yourself from others. The ego knows that when you are aligning with God, with the idea of Oneness, it becomes very hard for it to convince you to judge. In this state you know that what you do and think of ‘others’, because we are all One, you do and think of yourself. As you begin to awaken and let go of the ego’s mindset, you will notice that when you judge another, those poisonous thoughts flow through you first, and then even having projected them unto others, still remain within you. As you awaken and align with the state of Oneness, you will notice that when you judge another, you hurt yourself, and when you forgive another, you begin to heal yourself. This understanding then opens the door to more easily being able to forgive yourself.

The state of Oneness, offers you through your interactions with others, a great number of opportunities to practice self-forgiveness. Others are now understood as simply representing different versions or aspects of yourself. Thus now, forgiving them is an act of self-forgiveness. In Oneness, the mind now knows that those “out there” are simply reflecting your internal condition. It is your beliefs about yourself and what you hold as true, that you see reflecting from others. For this reason those who have awaken are grateful to all those they think of or meet for helping them see what they are carrying within. Now gratitude not judgment, becomes the more appropriate response to their participation in your life. On a daily basis, our brothers and sisters are helping shine a light into the small dark crevasses within your own minds where the ego’s judgment based ideology still rules as king. Now when we see innocence instead of guilt in another, we also free a part of ourselves from having to hold unto and carry the burden of judgment. The more parts of yourself that you see as innocent, the more peace you will experience, and the more worthy of forgiveness you will feel. The more you practice overriding the ego’s mindset by choosing forgiveness over judgment, the more natural and at Home you will be and feel in the state of peace. Being all One, as you practice forgiving others which are all just external reflections of your internal condition, you will be equally unconsciously teaching yourself that every part of you and your experience is worthy of forgiveness. The more you offer forgiveness to others, the more deserving and worthy of forgiveness you will feel and recall that you are.

Today, when you practice forgiving yourself through others, you are teaching yourself that those parts of you are no longer available to be judged. In doing so, you come a step closer to experiencing the peace that true forgiveness offers. Today, anytime the ego has you look upon another and demands you judge them, stop, and recall who your brother and sister truly are. They are a part of you that is in the best way he or she knows how, asking you for forgiveness, help and healing. Remind yourself that being all One, all sacred parts of God, that we are all equally worthy of being forgiven and being at peace. Forgive yourself and others because you are worthy of peace. Today, if you forget, and find yourself judging self or others, stop, and say to yourself: “Today, I forgive myself, because I am worthy of peace. As God’s creation, I am worthy of the peace that forgiveness offers. I now make the conscious decision to override the ego’s programming and offer forgiveness to me and those parts of me that are being represented by other people. We are all One, my brothers and sisters are here in my physical presence to show me where I am at within my heart and mind. Each one of them represents a belief that I hold dear about myself. If I am holding unto a false concept that is not aligned with the Love that God is, then my brothers and sisters will show me. Today, I forgive and thank, not judge and condemn, them for showing me where I am not aligning with my true loving nature. Forgiveness, as an expression of the Love that I am, is what I will today offer to all others. By forgiving others, today I learn that every part of me is worthy of forgiveness, worthy of being at One with Love who is my Creator.”

Today, let me recall that we are all One, and thus that each and everyone “out there” is in essence a part of me. When I judge them, I am simply reflecting unto them that part of me that does not believe is worthy of forgiveness. I have held my forgiveness from myself long enough, and so today I will offer it to all others so that I can finally and fully experience it myself. Now, instead of judging others, and judging myself for judging them, I thank them for showing me a way out of the darkness and back into alignment with the Light. Today, I recognize and acknowledge that the more parts of myself I forgive, the closer I come to truly understanding that it is ok and right to forgive myself. Now, when the ego demands that I judge another, I instead stop and recognize the opportunity that they are offering me. They are in essence offering me the opportunity to forgive them, and thus by doing so, heal my whole-self. 

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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We also offer condensed versions of the daily inspirational messages.


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Comments (6)

I was raise that i was worthless and was convinced all my life that was true. now i know better. thank you.

Thank you Ellen for being open to the message and for being a member of our community.

God is Love and All, and thus all that in truth you could ever be is the Love that God is.

Love has many expressions such as those of peace, joy, forgiveness, trust, charity, passion and compassion. Every day, make the conscious decision to focus more of your time and energy on those aspects of Love that you most naturally align with and desire to express, and you will become a brighter and brighter light.

The brighter your light shines, the more worthy of the light you will feel. The more worthy you feel, the more natural it will be to align with and support the thoughts that will support the kind of life you desire to experience, enjoy and are forever worthy of.

Peace. JBC

I have been going through experiences where the things I once did to be in alignment with Love that God is, I no longer do. Your article is exactly what I did yesterday to the exact for all the reasons u stated. I even used the word innocent to describe the other person and I had not ever used it to describe him before which means I am in alignment with God and I am grateful for the experiences that shine the light on me that I may live in truth that love is who I am that love is who you are and that we all one in Love.. The crazy thing is I only just read your article this morning, I love when this happens because it means I’m moving up stream and I believe there is no such thing as a coincidence. With all that being Thank you for your time, your service in helping others and the Love that you are. I appreciate all that you do God bless you..

Thank you Christina for your comment and for being a member of our community.

Do not despair, for thanks to God’s mercy and grace, every moment allows you to begin anew.

Every day when you wake up, take 3-5 minutes just to breathe deeply and align with God’s Love. Ask God to enter and fill you until you begin to overflow with His Love. Then throughout the day, align with this feeling, and offer it to those that God has placed on your path.

Every thought you have, either walks you towards the Light or towards the darkness, remember this and consciously practice aligning your feelings and what you offer others, with the destination of your choice.

Remember, as you say, there are no chance meetings or coincidences. Offer others, through your thoughts, the darkness, and it is there that you shall find yourself. Offer others, through your thoughts, the Light, and aligned with God you will be.

You are, and will always be, the Love and Light that created you, and we are all One.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

What a beautiful message. If one man can be Inspired by God then all men can!! Thanks for the revelation. I feel nearer to God than i have in a long time.

Thank you Nate for being open to the message.

We are indeed all One, and so there is nothing true that is ever given to one, that is withheld from another.

Peace. JBC

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