Daily Inspiration: May 7. In This World, Unlearning is True Learning

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


There is nothing more you must learn, for all wisdom already resides within you. What we will be doing today is unlearning. Unlearning some of the pain, anger, anguish, resentment and suffering, that the ego has convinced us is a normal part of our experience. Love is who we are, thus when we spend any time aligned with anything other than Love’s expressions, this shows us that we have bought into the ego’s programs and false concepts as true. Thankfully, as God’s loving creations, we have been gifted free will, and can thus unlearn what the ego has taught us. Understanding this, we can now proactively practice taking back control of our own thinking. Today, anytime we are not at peace, joyful, forgiving, compassionate and loving, then let that signal to us that it is time to unlearn what the ego has taught us. Equally so, when we feel frustrated, judgmental, angry, resentful or revengeful, again let that signal to us that it is time to unlearn. For a time we have allowed the blind, the ego, to lead the blind, those of us who have bought into its programs as real. Let us no longer put ourselves or others down for believing that the ego’s fairy tale is real. Instead, let us allow these behaviors to trigger in us a need to awaken, and thus by doing so begin the unlearning process. This way we retrain ourselves to use the ego and its mindset for our benefit. The more we learn to use the ego as an ally instead of an adversary, the more at peace we will be during our deprogramming process. The more we practice unlearning the ego’s programs, the more the truth in us will shine. As our truth and light shines brighter, others will more clearly be able to see and better understand, what stands between them and their true loving nature.  

Today, notice that when the ego demands frustration, judgment, anger, resentment or revenge, there is something else within you that can resist such a request. When the ego wants you to worry, become anxious or stressed out,  there is something within you that shares that these actions are not in alignment with the truth in you. When the ego calls out for sadness and depression, somewhere within you, will feel like you are acting, like this is not who you truly are. You will feel like an actor because you are acting, and thus not being your authentic self. You will feel this way, because the ego itself is not a real part of you, and so whatever the ego says will never fill nor fulfill you. All of the ego’s thoughts, actions and reactions, are fabricated by it, and foreign to you. Today, let us no longer buy into a fictional character of ourselves as true. Let us no longer support these self-destructive patterns and programs. Let us simply and gently practice unlearning what we now know no longer serves us or this world. Let us today practice taking back control of our own thinking by proactively setting the goal for every experience. By being proactive and placing our focus and energy towards achieving our goal, this will make us feel more personally responsible for our experience. For example, if we know we are going into an interaction with a person who has a tendency to anger and frustrate us, let us now make peace our goal and primary purpose. During the interaction we practice deep breathing, and continue to focus on our primary goal. By doing so, our outcome will start to more closely align with and reflect our goal. By doing so, by unlearning what we no longer want, we free ourselves from the ego’s mindset, and begin to offer others a way out of the darkness.

Today, before every interaction, let us go into it with a goal already set. This goal will be, that whatever we think the ego is demanding us, we will consciously focus on doing the opposite. For example, if before a situation the ego wants you to feel worried, anxious or stressed out, we will remember that today it is we, not the ego, who is in control of setting the goal. Our goal is always, in one form or another, to unlearn what the ego has taught us, and align with, become an example of, and offer, our true loving nature. Before that interaction or event we might remind ourselves that our goal is to trust in God’s plan, and knowing that Love only has our best interest in mind, feel secure and at peace. In this manner we become a conscious reflection of God, Love, and not the ego, fear. Throughout the interaction, we keep reminding ourselves of our goal, until we feel aligned with and embrace by, the state of peace. By doing so, we practice consciously unlearning the ego’s programs and replacing it with peace, a reflection of Love, of our eternal essence and nature. Today, let us be grateful that we are awake enough to practice deprogramming ourselves. Today, let us see every situation as simply helping us practice unlearning what we no longer want. Understanding the useful nature of each moment, let us offer it and all those involved with it, our gratitude. As each and every moment now begins to reflect only the truth in us as true, our light shines brighter, peace returns to our consciousness, and the ego’s programs dissolve before our understanding. 

Today, every thought or emotion that is other than loving, we practice unlearning. As we practice unlearning the ego’s programs, we begin to take back control of our own minds. We take back control of our own minds, by setting up a goal before every interaction. The situation itself will show us what we need to unlearn. For example, if we are dealing with anxious or stress filled thoughts, then the moment is asking us to unlearn them by increasing our levels of trust in God. As we do so, peace results. Peace is an expression of Love, and so an alignment with the state of peace shows us that we are unlearning what we no longer want. Now, every situation simply becomes a means to achieve today’s goal, to practice unlearning who we are not, and align with and become an example of, who we truly are. Love’s expressions, such as the state of peace, are always symbols that show us we are successfully unlearning what the ego has taught us.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Comments (4)

Carolyn J villemaire

I really like the thought of making the Ego’s agenda an ally. I follow a podcaster that has a chronic illness and she continuously reminds us that our chronic illness is an an ally. It is speaking to us about what our body needs. When I heard her say that my mindset about my own illness took had a major paradigm shift. It removed a lot of negativity and what can sometimes turn into a self-pity attitude.

Thank you Carolyn for being open to the message.

Today, let us use our ego’s mindset to help trigger in us the recall that our thinking is not aligned with the loving truth in us. Then let us refocus our mind on the loving thoughts that will help guide us and this world from the darkness to the light. By doing so we make the ego an ally in our awakening process.

Peace. JBC

Heard elsewhere, “My ego is not my amigo”.

Thank you Janet for being a member of our community.

Peace. JBC

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