Daily Inspiration: May 9. Offer ‘Others’ the Love that You Desire to Experience

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


To the ego ‘giving away’ means losing. This rules the scarcity mindset of the ego’s world. In reality, you can only give away or share the love that you are. You are the Love that created you, and Love Is All. Thus all you can in truth offer others is the love that you are. Love’s expressions may be many, such as kindness, compassion, forgiveness, joy, gratitude and peace. Being all One, what you ‘give away’, you forever get to keep through its experience. Imagine sharing a story with your friends. That story touches them and yet still remains within you. In fact, because you shared it, it is reinforced within you. Love being All, behaves in this same manner. Share it with others and not only do they, through the experience, get to keep it, but also its bond with you is strengthened. This is what God is doing with us, sharing us, His loving creations and expressions, with this world. As He does so, our own conscious union with the The Divine is reinforced and strengthened. The truth in us is Love, thus anytime we share this truth with others, we are reinforcing our connection to The Divine. When we do so, we also get to experience that we are indeed worthy of God. In this manner the Love that God is expands through us and throughout this world. As we share who in truth we are with others, we help others recall the truth in them. As others recall the truth in them, their own light shines brighter, and they too then become an example to others of what is possible for those who still feel lost in the darkness of the ego’s mindset. Share Love with others, and it expands through and in you. Withhold Love from others, and it shrinks and diminishes from your experience. Yet do not despair, for as soon as you once again make the conscious choice to share it, it will once again begin to fill and fulfilled you, and thus help you recall who in truth you are and have come here to be. 

Imagine God, the Source of pure and perfect Love having a thought, and that thought being you. Perfect and pure Love only creates perfectly, and so all The Divine is, you are and will forever be. Yes, once having chosen to be born into the world of duality, where there appears to be an opposition to All That Is, we may for a time forget who in truth we are. But, our forgetting, does in no way, shape or form, change our true eternal essence and nature. In fact, we are here together, with our brothers and sisters, so that when we forget who we are, they may help us remember, and when they forget who they are, we may help them recall. We are all One, and so only one needs to recall and shine the truth in them so that others can also begin to truly see. When we recall that we are here for each other, what further need for judgment would there be? In every moment, simply offer them the aspect of love that they are, in their own ways, calling out for. The more you answer their call, the more you will reinforce the truth in you as true. Do so and watch the world’s need for judgment dissolve away before your light and understanding. Everything that you offer another must first flow through you. Only what is within you can you ever offer others. Share with others your truth, and you will feel filled and fulfilled. Share with them your illusions, and a feeling of emptiness and confusion will rule over you. When you offer them, anything other than the truth in you, anything that seems to be in opposition to Love, you are offering them nothing. Nothing can not fill that sense of emptiness inside. Nothing can not fill nor fulfill you. Today, offer others nothing but the truth in you, in order to help you recall, who in truth you are.

Today, when the ego insists on the idea of scarcity, that if you share your love and it is not returned, then somehow you are on a losing end of a transaction, say to yourself: “Today, I align with the Love that I am, and by doing so only offer others who in truth I am. Today, in every moment, I offer the aspect of love that the moment is requesting. The Love that God created me to be, I now let it flow through me to you. You and I are One, and thus as you are touched and blessed, I am awakened and healed. Today, when the ego tries to have me withhold my love, who in truth I  am, let me recall that I am not a symbol of separation or limitation, I am a creation of The Divine and One with All. Now, instead of judging the ego, I thank it for offering me another opportunity to practice choosing my truth over my delusions. Today, the more I find myself practicing aligning with my true nature, the more blessed and aligned with my Source I will feel. The more I react with gratitude instead of judgment, the more I become a physical reflection of Love, of my Creator here on Earth.” Being who in truth you are is an effortless accomplishment. The ego would try to convince you otherwise. It would tell you how hard it is to be grateful, forgiving, compassionate and kind. It is in essence, always trying to convince you that you are not who God created you to be. Withhold your love the ego says, in order to experience it. But as always, the ego’s advice is never for your benefit, but for its benefit. It knows that the less you offer love, the less likely you are to recall who in truth you are. The less likely you are to recall who you are, the more likely you are to remain chained to the ego’s scarcity mindset. The less you think you are the Love the God is, the less worthy you will feel of God, and the more you will think that it is truly you and the ego, against the world. This thought process then creates a false need, through the act of judgment, to defend yourself against the world and those in it. This way of thinking fuels the ego’s mindset while it starves you of the love that you came here to be and share.

Today, let us practice being, extending, reflecting and representing the love that we are. By doing so, we practice creating as our Father creates, and as we were created to create. Today, let us notice that when we offer love and its expressions, this love expands within us as it is shared. Let us also take note that when we keep this love to ourselves, it seems to diminish and play a smaller part in our life. In essence, today we will get to see and experience, how our loving nature expands or contracts, depending on the choices that we make. Let us notice that the more we share love, the more fulfilled we feel. Equally so, the more we keep love to ourselves, the less we get to feel and experience it, and thus the emptier we feel. Today, let us be grateful to all we think of and meet for giving us the opportunities to love them, and thus to experience and consciously become Love representatives here on Earth. 

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Comments (2)

Great message, thank you❤️

Thank you Vet for being open to the message.

Peace. JBC

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