

You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy by James Blanchard Cisneros. 

My friend, this is not the end but a beginning, for every moment allows you to begin anew. The moment is no longer some perception you must defend against, but has now become your playground, a place you now know you create by what you choose to believe and focus on. Now you understand that what you believe is within your mind, and because it is within your mind, you have the power to decide how you will experience the manifestation of the moment.

You need no longer look toward the sky to find God. For you now know that the possibility of experiencing God is available to you in every moment, in everything and in everyone. You now know that it is not what your brother or sister says or does that defines his or her being, but rather the love that he or she represents. It is this knowledge that will close the gap between you and the people in your life. It is this knowledge that will close the gap between who you think you are and who you truly are, have always been and will always be – your Godself.

I am most deeply honored that you have taken some time during your journey to stroll on this beach with me. We did not know each other, but we have met, will now depart, and will someday unite again. My friend, know that although our physical proximity is no longer essential, our connection to each other is eternal. For as you allowed me to strengthen my belief by the creation of this book, so too have I hopefully reawakened some memories within your heart and mind. By reawakening these memories, I am simply reminding you of who you truly are. My friend, there is nothing easier than being who you truly are. Being who you truly are takes no effort at all, it is an effortless accomplishment.

Rejoice, for there is nothing more for you to learn. There is nothing more for you to learn because all wisdom already resides within you. My friend, you and your brothers and sisters are perfect love. Simply extend what and who you are into the world, and you will find this world a more loving place. You might have temporarily forgotten this, but you have now chosen to remember. I would like to conclude this section with a quote from a speech given by Jesse Jackson during the July 17, 1984 Democratic National Convention. I have chosen this quote because it, in very simple terms, summarizes my feelings at this point in the book. 

44 If in my high moments, I have done some good, offered some service, shed some light, healed some wounds, rekindled some hope, or stirred someone from apathy and indifference, or in any way along the way helped somebody, then this campaign has not been in vain… If in my low moments, in word, deed or attitude, through some error of temper, taste or tone, I have caused anyone discomfort, created pain or revived someone’s fears, that was not my truest self… I am not a perfect servant. I am a public servant doing my best against the odds. As I develop and serve, be patient. God is not finished with me yet.

A Beginning…

44. Jesse Jackson, Speech at Democratic National Convention, San Francisco, California, July 17, 1984.

This text can be found in the book - You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy.

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