Chapter 12: At Peace With The Afterlife
You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy by James Blanchard Cisneros.
I will not go any deeper into what happens while in heaven, for there are better and more complete books on this subject. Two excellent books on what is sometimes referred to as our “in-between lives” or our lives in-between physical incarnations are “Journey of Souls,” and “Destiny of Souls,” by Michael Newton, Ph.D. A question that is sometimes asked of me is: could we ever get bored in heaven? I will answer this question with a beautiful and yet simple quote from Larry Libby’s “Someday Heaven.”
43 If you are thinking you might get bored or tired after being in heaven for a while…don’t worry! Try to imagine something with me. Imagine you are a little bird who lives in a tiny cage made of rusty metal. And inside your cage you have a food dish, and a little mirror, and a tiny perch to swing on.
Then one day, some kind person takes your cage to a big, beautiful forest. The forest is splashed with sunlight. Proud, towering trees cover the hills and valleys as far as you can see. There are gushing waterfalls, and bushes drooping with purple berries, and fruit trees, and carpets of wild flowers, and a wide blue sky to fly in. And besides all these things, there are millions of other little birds, hopping from one green limb to another and eating their fill, and raising their little families, and singing their hearts out all through the day. Now, little bird, can you imagine wanting to stay in your cage? Can you imagine saying, “Oh please don’t let me go. I will miss my cage, I will miss my little food dish with seeds in it. I will miss my plastic mirror and my tiny little perch. I might get bored in that big forest.”
43. Larry Libby, Someday Heaven, Copyright 2001, (Zonderkids).
This text can be found in the book - You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy.
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