Today, let us think, how many days in our lives have we actually woken up and decided to dedicate it to gratitude? Then, let us think back and ask ourselves how many days have we woken up and dedicated our day to worry, anxiousness, stress, judgment of self and others, anger, resentment, hate or revenge? Any time we are placing our time, focus and energy on any thought, we are dedicating that day, or at least a part of that day, and thus a part of our lives, to that thought. Today, let us recall that we have free will, thus it is up to us to decided what thoughts ours days, and thus our lives, will be dedicated to. Imagine, a life where you wake up each day and decide to dedicate your day to being One with The Divine. God, Love, has numerous expressions such as gratitude, peace, compassion, forgiveness and joy. Thus, any time you are dedicating your day to representing any of these energies, you are in essence representing God on Earth. Today, let us allow Love’s expression of gratitude to show us when we are in alignment with our loving Source. Let us also notice, that when we are in alignment with our Source, a sense of fulfillment is felt, because in essence we are doing what we were created to do. Equally so, when we are offering what seems to be the opposite of Love’s expressions, let that show us that we are currently out of alignment with the Mind of God. There is no need to judge yourself when you find yourself out of alignment with God. Instead, use this self-awareness to signal to you that it is now time to correct your path. Then through gratitude, or any other of Love’s expressions, align once again with God. Being out of alignment with God, with who in truth you are, calls not for judging yourself or others, it simply and gently calls out for correction. It is a call for healing, to return back to creating as God creates, through Love.
Today, let us practice making a conscious effort throughout the day to become present, breathe deeply, and fill our hearts, minds and souls with gratitude. The more we consciously fill our hearts, minds and souls with gratitude, the sooner this gratitude will begin to overflow. As our gratitude overflows, it will begin to touch and embrace everyone and all. Everyone and all will then slowly start becoming grateful for how we treat them, for being generous with our time and energy. When others start becoming grateful to you, that only expands your circle of love and compassion. There are numerous ways to begin to represent gratitude, and expand our circle. For example, when we wake up in the morning let us offer gratitude for having been gifted the opportunity of experiencing a brand new day. Let us sit up and offer gratitude for having had a comfortable place to sleep and a roof over our heads. When we take a look outside to see what kind of day it is, let us thank Source for our sight. If we can’t see, let us thank God that we have someone with us who can tell us about it. When we enter the bathroom and first look at the mirror let us offer gratitude that we have been gifted the health and strength to have been able to do so without assistance. If we needed assistance, let us offer gratitude for those who assisted us. These and many more chances will be given to us throughout this sacred day to make the conscious decision to align with gratitude, and thus humbly represent God on Earth. Even when out of alignment with gratitude, be kind, loving and merciful with yourself, as God who is Love would be with you. Then follow God’s gentle example and extend this same kindness and consideration to all others.
My friend, today I dedicate this post to being grateful to you. Thank you my sister and brother for taking the time to read this post, for commenting on it, for liking it, and for sharing it. I love you more, than on this planet, you will ever know. It is your reinforcement that fuels my desire to keep writing these daily posts. We are all One, when the gift of these posts flow through and blesses me, there is nothing more that I desire to do, than to share them with you. I envision you reading it, and absorbing the love that they come from. Then filled with love, I see you sharing that loving energy with all the sisters and brothers that you come into contact with throughout your day. Imagine, a pebble falling into a pond. Imagine, as it continues its journey to its resting place, this pebble looking back and seeing some of the ripples that it created. It will never know the full extent and result of its ripples and creation. Imagine, these ripples being the results of the love that it shared. We are not pebbles, and so in time we will all get to see the full extent of what we have created through the thoughts, words, emotions, actions, reactions and interactions, that we shared with each other. Imagine, if the origin, base and foundation, that first interaction with the pond, of all your thoughts and decisions were base around the idea of being grateful. Imagine, if the origin of your thoughts were to align every moment with your Creator, Love, and any of Love’s expressions. What kinds of ripples would you create? What kind of world would we together begin to design? The more I write this, the more open to Love I become. The more you open, read and share the message, the more it fuels my desire to write and open up more. The more I write, the clearer the message becomes. The clearer the message becomes, the easier it is for you to recall it as helpful and true. The more you see it as helpful and true, the more you will desire to use and share it. The more you use and share it, the more loving, compassionate and grateful this planet becomes.
Today, let us look to align with the energy of gratitude, and by doing so, humbly represent God on Earth. God is Love, and gratitude is one of its many expressions. Thus, when we are being grateful, we are in essence representing our Creator. Our Creator creates through Love, thus when we create through gratitude we will feel fulfilled, because in essence we are creating as our Creator creates, as we were created to create. Let us be sure to be grateful to all those in our lives who through their presence are offering us the opportunities to practice being grateful, and thus helping us accomplish our mission here on Earth. The more we get to offer our brothers and sisters gratitude, the more filled with God’s love we will feel. The more filled with God’s love we feel, the sooner it will begin to overflow from us. As it overflows, it begins to touch everyone who comes into our presence. The more others are touch by gratitude, the more loving this planet becomes. Would you not desire that you and your children live in such a world? If so, through gratitude, today allow such a world, to be birthed from within you.
I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.
All glory to God.
Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.
James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”
If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.
Please share your thoughts in the comments section below and/or on our social media pages. We also offer condensed versions of the daily inspirational messages. |
Thank you, James, I am eternally grateful to you for sharing your wisdom with our world. You are a blessing to us all!! Shine On!! Love Always. Carolyn
Thank you Carolyn for being a member of our community.
May you continue to be a light in this world.
All glory to God.
Peace. JBC
Thank you James for your beautiful messages and reflections on truth, love, and gratitude. I truly am grateful to have the opportunity out of billions of people in the world to clearly hear your message and read your writings for many years. Indeed, what a blessing. We are all One.
Thank you Renee for being open to the message.
May you, in each and every moment and interaction, recall your true loving nature, and offer only your truth to all others.
Peace. JBC
I offer up DEEP GRATITUDE for James, my beloved brother of Divine Peace and Divine Love. Thank you for being such a beneficial presence on the Earth – – and beyond! <3
Thank you Shelly for your kind words and for being a member of our community.
May the light within these messages shine through you and touch all those that you interact with.
All glory to God.
Peace. JBC
Thank you….your messages are a constant reminder to live my life they way it was meant to be lived. I pass this wisdom to my children and family…this “ripple” will I hope be passed on for generations to come, to make a difference in this world. Thank you for your dedication in writing these emails
Thank you Penelope for being open to and sharing the message.
It’s wonderful to have you, and your children and family as a spiritual part of our community.
May you and your family continue to be a light in this world.
We are all One.
All glory to God.
Peace. JBC
As I try to figure out what happened in life I realize that selfishness has characterized the person I am for the last number of decades. No gratitude…little awareness about the suffering of others, just a life characterized by me-isms. I am trying very hard to overcome a life of selfishness, vanity, an pride and get back to one based on generosity and gratitude. Posts and writings such as these are very very helpful to me so that I even know what I am looking for….gratitude and generosity are the trademarks of a healthy relationship with all things. I am grateful for these writings.
Thank you Nancy for being a part of our community and for trying to put these words into action.
Your efforts are appreciated by me and the Universe.
May we all practice each and every day replacing our judgment centered programmed reactions with gratitude. Gratitude because we are learning to see that everyone is, in their own way, helping us awaken us to who we truly are. Gratitude because we know that God is Love and All and thus that our journey of growth is perfect for us. Gratitude because such an energy aligns us with the love that we are, our function here on Earth and who we were all created to be.
Peace. JBC
Thankyou James.I want to say with gratitude that all of your daily posts mean so much to me in my journey.I feel totally supported in reading and absorbing every message.Over and over the exact one comes right when I need the message being shared.xo
Thank you Janet for being open to the message and a part of our community.
May you continue to be a light to this world.
All glory to God.
Peace. JBC
Thank you Donald for being a member of our community.
All glory to God.
Peace. JBC
Thank you so much for your daily inspirations I am very grateful for them for they help me keep my mind and heart and aligned with God to do his will and to live happy joyous and free and be grateful to be alive today. I was in a traumatic car crash December 29th 2012 broke every bone in my body and they didn’t think I was going to make it or walk again. I spent two years in a wheelchair in a nursing home but by the grace of God I can walk today. And it is only by his grace and power and mercy that I am alive today. Thank you so much and you have a blessed and beautiful day
Thank you Robbie for your kind words and for being a member of our community.
You can in truth only ever be, the love that God created you to be.
You are here now, because you are needed here now. Every day practice being the light that in truth you are, and share your light with all who God places on your perfect path.
All glory to God.
Peace. JBC