Daily Inspiration: June 13. Our Choices Determine the Type of Day We Have

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


It is not what is occurring in the outer world that affects the kind of day we have, but how we choose to react to what is happening, that truly gives form to our experience. We can only define this world through our minds. The external world is simply a physical reflection and representation of the thoughts we think. If we choose to forgive our own misperceptions about the world, we experience peace, joy, freedom and understanding. If we choose to war with the outer world, we will find confusion, chaos, guilt and pain. The power to experience the life we want resides within us, and not “out there.” The ego would insist otherwise, demanding we must judge and blame the outer world and those in it for how they “make us” feel. This gives our power away to the ego, to the outer world. In reality, the only power the outer world can have over us, is the power that we give to it. Today, when someone seems to “make you” feel angry, try to better understand what is really happening. Anything that they seem to do to you, is defined by you. You are giving definition to everything that they do. If you are defining the experience, then who is really responsible for your reactions to the world you see, you or the outside world? You are responsible for the thoughts you think and define this world through. Understanding this, are you really angry at yourself for how you are choosing to define God’s children, or at them? Are they really making you angry? Or, are the thoughts that you are using to define their actions making you angry? If you can see that it is only you who can make you angry, then the road to peace is assured. If the solution is within you, then you have control over your levels of peace or frustration. Today, let us learn to appreciate all those, who through their interactions with us, are reminding us of the power we have over the world we see.

How many more days of our lives must we continue to allow the ego to lead us before we realize the absurdity of its advice? How much of our God-given peace of mind and joy have we already sacrificed at the ego’s altar? How much longer will we allow the blind to lead the blind? Today, let us start taking greater personal responsibility for our own thoughts. It is only at this level, the level of thought, that we can exercise choice. Today, let us recall that it is we who should be controlling our thoughts. By doing so, we achieve control over how we see, react to, and participate in this world. Let us learn to recognize when our thoughts are not being controlled by us. Anytime our thoughts are judgmental, angry, resentful, worried or stress filled, let that signal to us that the ego’s past programs are in control of our thinking. Let us not judge ourselves for this as the ego has trained us to do. Instead, let us pat ourselves on the back for being able to recognize what is truly occurring. Let us then use the wisdom that we have accumulated from our past experiences to end the ego’s rule. Let us use our free will to begin to take back control of our own thoughts, minds and lives. We take back control of our minds by denying the ego’s demands, and seeing this world only as Love’s creations would, through God’s eyes, with compassion, forgiveness, peace and understanding. Understanding that each one of us has co-created our own individualized journeys with Love, we consciously end our judgments of them and this world. We end our judgments of them and this world by instead choosing to trust in God’s plan. In doing so, we rest at peace. Now, the state of peace becomes a symbol to us that we are back in control of our own thoughts and thinking, and thus of our minds and lives. 

Today, it will be we, not the ego, who will be in control of our thinking. It will be we, our eternal loving essence, not the ego and its judgment-centered mindset, who will determine how we will see, experience and participate in this world. Today, let us realize that the ego will demand we blame and judge others and the outer world, and thus give our power away to them. When this occurs, let us instead look deep into our sister’s and brother’s eyes, until we are able to see our own reflection in them. Then, as we look into our own reflection in their eyes, let us honestly ask ourselves: “Who is really responsible for how I am feeling? Who has to carry the heavy burdens of judgment, anger and resentment, wherever I go? Who am I truly disappointed with? Who in reality holds the power to forgive and thus find peace of mind, joy, love and understanding?” Yes my dear friend, rejoice, for today it is finally you, who will determine, what kind of day you have. Today, it will no longer be the traffic, weather, boss, school board, politicians, or mother in law, who will “make you” feel judgmental, angry, resentful or stressed out. Today, it is you and you alone, having taken back control of your thoughts from the ego, who are now fully responsible for how you feel, react to, and participate in this world. Rejoice, the days of giving away your power are over. Today, allow your eternal loving essence to be your guide. Before any interaction ask Love, the truth in you, to guide you. Do so and forgiveness, peace and joy, will become your constant companions. The choices to determine what kind of day you have, are now fully in your hands. This day has been a long time coming. Rejoice, for this day will lead you to many more like this. 

Today, let us take full responsibility for the kind of day we experience. We do so by recalling that in every moment we have two choices: One is to allow the ego to rule our minds, and the other is to rule our own minds. When the ego is ruling, we feel judgmental, angry, resentful, worried or stressed. When our loving eternal essence is ruling, we feel forgiving, peaceful, joyful and understanding. Today, let us stop making excuses and blaming others “out there” for how we feel. Let us now fully control the thoughts we think, and thus of how we see, experience and participate in this world. The kind of day we now have, is the kind of day we now choose to have. The level of peace or emotional pain that we focus on and experience, is now purely up to us to decide. Let us today, be grateful to God, that thanks to free will, it is we and we alone who decide the nature and expression of our experience.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

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Comments (4)

What do we do when we go into blame since blame is the exasperated child within?

Thank you missn for being a member of our community.

Practice doing the opposite of what you no longer desire to experience. The more you practice it’s opposite, say forgiveness, the less power blame will have.

Anytime your ego wants to blame, simply see it as an opportunity to practice forgiveness. Do this over and over and over again until you see the wisdom of it. Do so until you see and realize how natural not blaming yourself and others truly is to you.

Peace. JBC

Thank you James for your words of wisdom

Thank you missn for being open to the message.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

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