Daily Inspiration: June 15. Offering Our Past Self Gratitude Instead of Judgment

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


If we look into our past, we will recall situations that once brought us thoughts of anxiousness, anger and resentment, that we now deal with in a more productive, peaceful and mature manner. Now, the same type of situations may occur, but thanks to our life experience, our reactions and attitudes toward them and ourselves are now more calm, positive and loving. We simply learned that there are better ways of dealing with these types of issues and situations. A more experienced and mature attitude has now brought us a greater ability to be compassionate, peaceful and understanding. Looking back, we see that the ability to choose peace in such situations had always been available to us. It was simply the way we looked at, reacted to, and interacted with them, that needed seasoning. It is this past experience, the one that we at the time judged ourselves and others for, that has actually brought us to this more self-aware and balanced state of mind. Today, let us offer our past self gratitude for all he/she went through to help us become our present self. Imagine, thanks to the gift of time, being able to look back at your past and past self with appreciation instead of judgment. Imagine, being grateful for everything and everyone in our past, because now we can acknowledge that they were simply helping us become who we are today. Looking at our past in this manner, as a teaching tool, was it not then useful? Seeing the useful nature of our journey, we come to a place of peace and understanding, even in regards to those challenging steps along the way. God is Love and All, and thus there is no step in our past, that was not in some way, shape or form, of use to us. Understanding this, let our primary response to our past now be one of gratitude, not judgment.

What need would you ever again have to judge your past self, when you recall that all that he or she was doing, was helping bring to you the maturity and self-awareness tools that you now have? What need would we ever again have to judge other people’s past, when now we understand that they were simply part of a sacred process that actually helped us become more mature and self-aware? What need do we have to judge anything in our past, when we realize that our loving Creator uses all our choices for good, to help awaken us to who we truly are. Imagine, knowing that all thoughts, words and actions, are being used for a higher purpose, what need for judgment would there be? Today, let us practice letting go of our past judgments. It will be by doing so that our present, freed from past judgments, will be experienced as a gift from God to us that it truly is. Imagine that, a present free from past judgments. How much more peace, joy, love, compassion and understanding, would you experience in such an environment? How much more gratitude would you be expressing to God and others for being part of your continuing growth, healing and awakening process. This is the state of mind that is possible when you let go of the ego’s need for judgment. Today, let us practice letting go of a mindset and way of thinking that we know no longer serves us. Imagine, no longer having to waste away your days wondering what could have been, or how things should have been different. Now, with the understanding that God uses all for good, there would no longer be a need for judgment, anger, resentment and regret. Imagine, no longer tossing and turning at night, replaying the what ifs of life, what you could have done differently or should not have done. This state of mind, one at peace with itself is possible, once you learn to fully trust in the journey that you have co-designed with God. 

Today, when looking back at our past self and all those who interacted with him or her, let us practice offering gratitude for all those who have been a part of our awakening process. Now, let us practice also being kinder and more understanding towards our present self and all those who are now involved with us. Let us see this life experience, right now and in every moment, as always offering us the opportunities to develop into more peaceful, productive, positive, loving, compassionate and understanding people. When time is understood and used in this manner, as simply a tool that helps us achieve greater peace and self-awareness, what use would we ever again have for judging your journey? Now, let every moment be seen and understood as a gift from God to us. Every moment, now we see as helping us reach a higher level of consciousness. Now, every moment comes into our experience in order to help us accomplish what we have come here to do. As every moment becomes one to be grateful for, our minds now join with The Mind of God. Today, let us honor and give thanks to our past self, for how far we have come. By acknowledging that every step of our journey has been of use to get us here, a sense of peace, joy, understanding and fulfillment, can be experience. It is within these states of mind where we belong. It is these states of mind that show us that we are properly interpreting our past. Let us no longer continue to feed our misperceptions about our past. Sadness, disappointment, resentment, confusion and regret, are all symbols of these misperceptions. Today, let us correct our perceptions of our past, and continue strolling gently along our perfect and sacred path. A path that Perfection Himself has co-created with us.

Today, let us better understand and learn to appreciate what our past self has done for us. Let us realize how much we have grown because of our past self. Let us be grateful for how much wisdom and knowledge we have accumulated thanks to our past self. When we judge our past, because we have co-created it with God, we are judging God as wrong. True peace of mind and joy can not be achieved as long as you are constantly judging God as incompetent or wrong. When instead you look at your past and past self with gratitude, this becomes a way of thanking God. Being grateful to your Source, is a path to peace. Being grateful to God, also increases your trust in Him. When gratitude instead of judgment become your response to the past, the present moment is freed to become a gift from God to us, and from us to this world. When we realize that our journey is perfect just the way it is, we make peace with our past and become a beacon of peace for those still lost in the ego’s judgment centered mindset. Today, look upon your past self with gratitude, and awaken to the realization of all he or she has gone through and overcome to help you become who you are right now.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

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Comments (4)

Thank you James – your daily reminders full of wisdom and love have been helping me overcoming huge emotional trauma. Saying that I still do struggle with the same problem which has been present for almost two ‘long’ years (luckily it’s much less frequent but the intensity when recurrence of feelings happens is still very painful)! Using your ‘vocabulary’: The person who – I believe I have forgiven his ‘resentment, anger and condemnation’ he has chosen to throw at me – rather than choosing ‘friendship, joy and compassion’ – is influencing my well-being. I wish to be just loving and resilient but still happen to suffer from the person’s rude behaviour…
I do ‘listen’ to your message about importance of being grateful to any encounter with the fellow human-beings as even the painful experience is to teach us to ‘grow, heal and awake’ however I am not sure how to inspire compassionate communication in someone who has chosen to literally ‘cut me off’ and deny the feelings…
p.s I practically am unable to physically avoid this person as the present circumstances are set up the way I need to accept for several more months. My genuine wish though is to gain understanding and mutual peaceful state of mind.

Thank you Miriam for your comment and for being a member of our community.

1 – God is Love and All, and peace is one of Love’s many expressions, thus your natural state is the state of peace.

2 – Anytime a thought of another comes into your mind and seems to take away or block your sense of peace, know that what is doing this, is not them or their behavior, is your thoughts about them and their behavior – thus all that is in truth keeping you away from your peace, is your thoughts.

3 – To remedy this miscreation, no longer feed those thoughts that are blocking your peace, with your time, focus and energy, instead offer all those those thoughts, as quickly as you can, over to God and see and feel them leaving you, entering in Loving light, and forever dissolving in His presence.

4 – Then place that time, energy and focus, that you once wasted away on non-peaceful thoughts, on praying for those individuals that you perceived where taking away your peace of mind and joy.

5 – Pray for their healing, pray for their joy and health, pray that they become more self aware and open to peace and love, compassion and kindness. When I use the word ‘pray’ I mean ask God, with all your heart, mind, and soul for these blessings to be bestowed upon your brother and sister.

6 – Do these five points over and over and over again, until they become second nature, natural reactions to all of God’s creations and children.

Remember, that we are all One, and thus what you wish for them you will get to experience yourself.

Remember, you are God’s child, and thus only the thoughts of Love, of peace, are worthy, of being your companions.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

Thank you James, yet again you’ve been ever so helpful to me:-) Bless you, Miriam

Thank you Miriam for being open to the message.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

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