Daily Inspiration: June 2. The Birth of the Present Moment

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


Imagine a moment, a holy instant in time, where every one of the ego’s trinkets and toys are laid down, where every thought of anger is forgiven, and the need for judgment is let go. Imagine expanding this moment from one to many, from many to more, and from more to all. This is the gift that the present moment forever offers you, the opportunity to choose once again and begin anew. Every single moment is birthed from the womb of Truth, from Love Herself. This moment has one overlaying desire, to serve us, to help expedite our growth, healing and awakening. Align today with this understanding by gently placing the present moment fully in God’s arms. When you do, you will notice the need for judgment, anxiety and anger, begin to dissolve. This is the key that is being handed over to you today, the way to escape from the ego’s grip of anxiousness, anger and despair. Simply decide to place the moment fully in God arms, and trust that His Will, which is also your own highest will for yourself, will be done. Go ahead, trust God wholly and completely, what do you have to lose? All you could possibly lose is your need to worry, stress out, become anxious, judgmental of self or others, frustrated, angry, resentful and hateful. Are any of theses false concepts and delusions truly worth more to you than the Peace and Joy of God? Trust God with the present moment, and experience the love, peace of mind and joy, that as His creation, is your inheritance. Do you not wish for the most wonderful, fulfilling, loving, peaceful and joyful life that is possible for your children? Do you not think that God, Love Himself, desires the same for you, His child?

Today, let us practice consciously aligning the present moment with God. Let us do so and experience His eternal gift. He has birthed this holy instant in time. The moment you are now experiencing is specifically designed for you. All that occurs within this moment, no matter how the ego has programmed you to define it, is in one form or another, for your best interest. What else could Love Himself ever want for His children? All The Divine desires you to recall is that you are love and loved. You, as Love’s creation, are here to create as He created, through love. Love is here to love. You are here, in every moment, to be loving in whatever ways feel most natural to you. Love comes in numerous forms, such as through kindness, forgiveness, compassion, peace, trust, joy and understanding. If you are not experiencing love in the moment, in any of its numerous forms, then know that you are trusting and valuing the ego’s delusions more than God’s plan. Do not judge yourself for buying into the false as true. Instead, simply learn to recognize what is false and what is true. When you are not aligned with love, you are simply experiencing the false, the ego’s past programs, as true. Recognize that when in this state, it is the ego who is in control of your thinking, and thus of your mind and life. Recognizing this, consciously stop this thought process, and begin to take back control of your own mind by aligning it with love. Having done so, there is no need to judge your past, for now you can recognize that it is your life experience that is helping you realize when you are or are not, fulfilling your function and purpose, in the moment, here on Earth. From this place of greater self-awareness, become a light to others. Become a symbol of peace and joy on Earth. Now, all you need do is correct your perception and you will correct your path. This new path will have you aligned with the love that you were created to be.

Today, know that the ego’s fog of forgetfulness will try to role in and hide the present moment, the holy instant from you. When this occurs, simply see it as an opportunity to consciously practice returning your focus to the everlasting truth within. A place within where anxiousness, anger and judgment, evaporate before your trust in God, before your true light and understanding. What a precious gift you are offering yourself today, the opportunity to return home, to the state of perfect peace. We no longer need to wait to return to Heaven, to start experiencing Peace on Earth. Heaven on Earth is always just a simple choice away. A choice that takes you from being chained to the ego’s past programs and mindset, to deciding along with God and the Divine Design. Today, judgment of self or other becomes simply a sign to you, that you are buying into this world’s delusions as real. Understanding this, we now use such moments to practice breaking the chains that hold us captive to the past or future. By doing so we return to that holy instant in time, the present moment, where only the peace and joy of God forever resides. Now, all thoughts that once tied us to the past or future, that brought us nothing but confusion, suffering and pain, are through forgiveness, gently let go. Let us now offer our gratitude, not our judgment, to all those who have in their own ways, helped us recognize the truth within. Today, when we practice aligning with the present moment, we align with and humbly represent God Himself. Today, through forgiveness, compassion, gratitude and understanding, you align with who in truth you are. Allow yourself to merge into the holy instant, once again One with, and a representative of, your All-Loving Source.

Today, let us recognize when we are aligned with the present moment and when we are not. When we are aligned with the now, peace results. We can get to this place of peace by simply letting go of our misperceptions and trusting in the plan that we have co-created with God. Being all One, let us also trust that everyone else deserves this same grace — the opportunity to grow and reach God, the state of peace, at their own pace and in their own way. As we support this thought as true, our judgment of self and others drops, and in its place, peace arises. If instead of the present moment, we choose the ego’s past programming or future imaginings, a loss of peace results. It is lost in such a foreign state of mind that thoughts of judgments, anxiousness, confusion and chaos reign. Yet, let us not despair, for we do have free will. Let us use it to help us decline and dismiss this foreign mindset, and by doing so return to the now, to being the representatives of Love that we were created to be.  

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Comments (2)


Thank you Shivani for your kind words.

May you also, through your daily study and conscious connection to your all-loving Source, offer in each interaction only the truth in you, the love that you are and were created to be, in your own unique and perfect ways to all those God sends your way. In doing so, may you also guide and help light the way for all those who are currently finding it too dark to see.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

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