Daily Inspiration: June 3. Creating a More Compassionate and Loving World

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


Today, let us ask ourselves, do we truly desire a more compassionate and loving world? If so, then let this world begin now within us. Today, let us dedicate this day solely to those we are withholding our forgiveness, compassion and love from. Let us recall that we are all One, and thus the expressions of Love that we withhold from them, we are failing to experience ourselves. When we begin to bless those that curse us, we will feel that healing energy start to sooth our own souls. When we curse those that curse us, we only darken and corrupt the path that we are both walking on. Today, let us rediscover what a gift and blessing it is to be able to, through free will, free ourselves from the ego’s false concepts and programs. We do so, by reversing the mindset of the ego’s world. We do so, by forgiving and showing compassion towards those the ego would demand we condemn and hate. We do so, by learning to see such instances, not as times to dive deeper into the darkness, but as times that in their own way, are helping awaken us to the light within. The present moment, no matter how the ego tries to have us define it, is an eternal gift from God to us. Then, when we learn to see this truth as true, it becomes a gift that we offer to this world. Today, let us allow every dark thought to become an opportunity for us to stop, and instead begin to practice choosing our own healing. In doing so, now every moment becomes and is better understood as the gift that it is. Now, we see all those the ego had taught us to condemn, as simply setting the table up for our own healing. They are offering us, through their participation in our life, the opportunities to become a more forgiving, compassionate and loving individual. Let us today see those that help us become more forgiving, compassionate and loving, as worthy of our gratitude. Let us offer them our gratitude for helping us awaken the loving truth within. By doing so, we help create a more forgiving, compassionate and loving world. A world that one day, our own children will benefit from. 

Today, let us make the conscious choice to shut off the ego’s internal dialogue. It is a dialogue that always tells us that we are right and that they are wrong, and that the wrong must be punished. Let us shut off a dialogue that produces nothing but confusion, hurt, suffering and pain. Today, let us say to that dialogue: “Enough is Enough. I will no longer value anger more than forgiveness, condemnation more than compassion, and hate more than love.” Today, let us use our gift of free will to recall that no matter how judgmental the ego demands that we be towards others, that it is us, not the ego, who has final say. Thankfully, the key to free ourselves from the ego’s programs reside within us, and not in the outer world. This opportunity to free ourselves does not lie in other people, situations or circumstances. It begins and resides within us, and us alone. It is always within us, where a more forgiving, compassionate and loving world is birthed from. It is always we, who hold the key, that can light up or darken the path of those still wandering around, lost and alone in the ego’s maze. Today, to those who curse us, let us no longer sink with them into the ego’s swamp. Instead, let us stroll around the swamp, and show them that there indeed is a safer, more grounded, loving and compassionate way of co-existing with each other. We are all, after all is said and done, God’s children. Sure, some may have temporarily forgotten their true nature. Still, it is up to us, those who have remembered, or are in the process of remembering, to be the way showers. It is up to us, to help remind others, by the way we treat them, that we are all forever worthy of compassion and love.

Today, let us pay very close attention to our thoughts, words, actions and interactions. Let us make sure that they are all moving us and this world in the direction of a more compassionate and loving destination. Today, wholeheartedly, from the deepest parts of our hearts, let us pray that God helps and heals us and all those that we are withholding our forgiveness, compassion and love from. As we do so, we begin to heal our hearts, and soothe our souls. As we do so, let us practice seeing all others, not through our eyes, but through God’s all encompassing mercy and grace. In doing so, our own sight, now in union with God, is healed. Today, let us not allow one judgmental thought about our brothers or sisters to go unchallenged. Let us not allow our misperceptions to just lay there, blocking our new found vision. Instead, let us see and understand what a gift it is to practice praying for and blessing all those that the ego has programmed us to blame and curse. Today, when the ego demands we judge and condemn ourselves or others, let us stop that poisonous line of thinking. Then, let us use such situations to help us recall our goal for today, which is to be a more compassionate and loving human being. It will be by offering our brothers and sisters love and compassion, when the ego demands judgment and anger, that we will begin to recall and reinforce the truth within. The more we consciously do this, the easier and more natural this way of thinking and being will become. Let us continue to think and react in this manner until one day, love and compassion becomes our natural response to all of God’s children. What kind of world would we begin to create for our children, if we simply made the conscious choice to see our brothers and sisters only as God created them? Today, let us stop waiting for such a world to physically manifest itself into our presence. Today, let it be we, who take personal responsibility, for its creation. 

Today, let us stop waiting for the world to physically manifest into a more compassionate and loving place. Instead, let us learn to use our thoughts, words, actions and interactions as the building blocks of this new, more compassionate and loving world. Let us today consciously become the physical reflections and representatives of the energetic expressions of compassion and love. Today, before any interaction let us remind ourselves: “My primary goal in this interaction, is to represent compassion and love.” By placing the goal at the beginning of any interaction, the interaction then becomes a means to achieve your goal. Let us also be grateful to those in our life, who through our interactions with them, are offering us the opportunities to practice recalling and reinforcing our true loving and compassionate nature. By recalling who we in truth are, we get a clearer picture of the world that we desire to create, experience, share and together enjoy. 

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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