daily inspiration video |
James reading with commentary |
Unconscious as it may be, you have made a spiritual commitment to everyone you are now in contact with, and they have to you. You have chosen to work together in order to help each other let go of the ego’s false concepts of judgment, fear and separation, and merge back into Oneness. It is aligned with Oneness where the Love and Light of God forever resides. Therefore, when interacting with others, do not see their true interests as apart from yours. You and they are One, thus just the honest expression and example of your true loving nature, will help begin to awaken them to theirs. What else but gratitude would you have for someone who is part of a process that is helping you recall and awaken you to your true nature, to Oneness? If everyone is in one form or another, through their participation in your life, helping you to recall who in truth you are, would gratitude, not judgment, be the appropriate response to them? Equally so, would they not be grateful to you, for helping them recall, reinforce and strengthen, the truth within? This is the opportunity that every interaction offer us, the chance to treat others lovingly and thus recall our union with our Source. When our interactions are seen and used in this manner, we become a blessing to each other. Today, let us see our brothers and sisters as blessing to us. Being all One, by seeing others in this manner you begin to recall that the loving truth in you is true, and that nothing but your truth is true. Today, your brothers and sisters are offering you the opportunities to see yourself as you were created to be. You are a physical reflection, expression and representative of God, of Love here on Earth. Practice being the love that you were created to be, and you will want nothing else.
There is an eternal truth, a boundless loving light within you. To understand this truth you must allow it to shine outwards for you to truly see, experience and appreciate it. This loving light, these acts of love, are all symbols of Oneness, of the truth and sameness within us all. There are numerous expressions of this loving light such as those of joy, peace, compassion, forgiveness, hope and healing. Anytime we align with and express these energies, we are merging with Oneness, and being who in truth we are and were created to be. Today, let us offer gratitude, not judgment, to those who in their own ways, are assisting us in rediscovering our eternal loving essence, nature and connection to each other. The more you practice choosing to be and reenergize the love within, because we are all One, the easier it will be for you to see this truth and light reflecting from all others. It is then that our lights will begin to shine brighter together than alone. As you continue to see and reflect this loving light, the differences between you and “others” will begin to fade away, grow dim and dissolve. In their place a Oneness, new to you and yet somehow quite familiar, will once again take its proper place. Today, let us become the light that we came here to be. Let us become that shining example on the top of the hill that those who have been praying to recall their truth, can see. As you choose to reflect only the truth in you, they will begin to see this same possibility in themselves. When those who are asleep judge you, all that they are in truth doing is asking you to hep remind them of their loving nature. They are asking you to be that light of the end of their tunnel for them.
Today, let us recall that everyone we meet is asking us to help them see the light in them. Today, instead of focusing on the ego’s false concept of separation, let us show that we are much more than our bodies, by focusing on the sameness in our souls. The more we see others as ourselves, the more our circle of love, light and compassion will grow and expand. The more it expands the more others are included. Then, as we see how natural and right this way of being feels, let us challenge ourselves to include all those who the ego would demand we exclude. As we include them, we will begin to recognize, that indeed we are all One. What else but gratitude could we have for all those who are helping us expand our circle, recall who in truth we are, and thus escape from the ego’s fear based mindset? When strangers become our brothers and sisters, and foes become our friends, who else is left to shun or fear? When we see others as ourselves, who is left to fight or defend against? What need would we again ever have for judgment, jealousy or anger, when we recall that as One, we are all together a perfect reflection of our Creator? What need would we again ever have for resentment and revenge of any kind, when all who we are looking upon is our One Self? Let us today, make the conscious decision to choose Oneness, to become our Creator’s representatives here on Earth. Imagine, how we could begin to transform this world, if we simply chose to awaken and become examples of love that we were created to be. Today, let us through our loving example help remind all others that we are indeed all One.
Today, let us practice aligning with the truth in us, our Oneness. God is All, and thus we are a part of that All. God is Love, and thus only the love in us is true. The more you get to practice choosing Oneness, the more natural and normal it will feel and become to make Love your foundation. You make Love your foundation by choosing Its symbols over those fear based symbols that have been fabricated by the ego. You represent Oneness, God on Earth, when you choose love over fear, compassion over condemnation, hope over hopelessness, and trust in the Divine over the ego’s worries and anxieties. Love, compassion, hope and trust, these are all natural expressions of your eternal essence and nature. When you choose them, you solidify your Oneness with your Source, and because your Source is All, with all of us.
I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.
All glory to God.
Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.
James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy”
If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.
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That was really good and I for sure will apply it all day, today and hopefully EVERY day. Thanks a lot.
Thank you Barbara for being open to the message.
Thank you for being a light in this world.
Peace. JBC